String Functions |
checkType() |
Check values to see if they are a specific type |
cleanOutput() |
Clean output data for presentation in the browser without worrying about XSS |
cleanSlashes() |
Recursive function for running the PHP stripslashes() function on an array of data |
decString() |
Quick decryption of a string encrypted using encString() |
encString() |
Quick encryption of a string |
fileString() |
Convert a string to a value that is safe to use in a URL or as a file name on the file system |
formatSeconds() |
Format a number of seconds into readable MM:SS or HH:MM:SS format |
formatSize() |
Format a byte string into readable form at (i.e. XXmb, XXkb, etc.) |
getExt() |
Return the lowercase file name extension for a given file name |
htmlBadWords() |
Replace defined "bad words" with replacement characters in a string |
jrCreateUrl() |
Function for generating a SEO URL from a given set of params |
jrParseRequestUri() |
Explodes the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable into an array of values |
lcNumberFormat() |
Format a number depending on LOCALE |
stringField() |
Retrieve specific "words" by position from a string |
stripBadSlashes() |
Remove multiple slashes from a string that may have been through addslashes() too many times |
Filesystem Functions |
deleteDir() |
Recursively delete a directory and all of its contents |
getDirSize() |
Get the size (in bytes) of a directory and all sub directories and files |
getDiskSpace() |
Get detailed information about the amount of used and free disk space |
getMimeType() |
Return the Mime Type for a given file |
jrDataStoreRead() |
Read a flat file database stored using jrDataStoreWrite() |
jrDataStoreWrite() |
Write data to a flat file database |
writeToFile() |
Write data into a file |
Profile Theme Functions |
generateTheme() |
Regenerate a Profile for a given band_id |
getLocalThemes() |
Get list of Profile Themes |
setLock() |
Set flag to have profile for specified band_id rebuilt |
Session Functions |
sessionCheck() |
Check for existence of valid Jamroom session |
sessionDestroy() |
Destroy an existing Jamroom Session |
sessionExplode() |
Get raw session data into a useable array |
sessionSetLocation() |
Set location (current activity) of User to appear in Whos Online |
sessionSync() |
Re-sync an active Jamroom Session with the database |
sessionVerify() |
Verify active Jamroom Session before allowing script to continue |
Database Functions |
dbClose() |
Close a MySQL database connection |
dbConnect() |
Connect to a MySQL database |
dbEscapeString() |
Escape special characters to avoid SQL errors and SQL Injection |
dbNumberRows() |
Return number of rows in MySQL database table |
dbPagedQuery() |
Create a SQL query that will result in a paged format |
dbQuery() |
Send a SQL query to the MySQL server with a lot of output and formatting options |
dbVerifyTable() |
Verify MySQL Table schema |
jrTableColumns() |
Retrieve column names for given database table |
Control Panel Form Functions |
htmlChooser() |
Create a tabbed selection bar in the Control Panel |
htmlPagePager() |
Create next/prev page section for paged output |
htmlPageSelect() |
Create a set of tabs for a Control Panel page |
htmlSearchBar() |
Add in a search section to a Control Panel form |
jmBeginForm() |
Begin a Control Panel form |
jmBodyBegin() |
Begin a page in the Control Panel |
jmBodyEnd() |
End a page in the Control Panel form and process form.tpl |
jmButton() |
Create an option in a Control Panel section |
jmCheckBox() |
Create a Checkbox form element in the Control Panel |
jmChoose() |
Create a muti-line <select> form element in the Control Panel that allows multiple selections |
jmCloseWindow() |
Add a "Close Window" button to a Control Panel form |
jmDivider() |
Insert a dividing line in a Control Panel form |
jmEndForm() |
End an Control Panel form opened with jmBeginForm() |
jmHtmlBegin() |
Begin a HTML page in the Jamroom Control Panel |
jmHtmlEnd() |
End a HTML page that was begun with jmHtmlBegin() |
jmInput() |
Create an input form element in the Control Panel |
jmLinkCell() |
Create a section with a link to another page in it in the Control Panel |
jmRefresh() |
Create a link to refresh back to the login note in the Control Panel |
jmSelect() |
Create a <select> element in the Jamroom Control Panel |
jmShowLine() |
Add a note line into the Control Panel |
jmSpanCell() |
Create a header description cell for a Control Panel form |
jmTextArea() |
Create a <textarea> entry field in a Control Panel form |
jmTextBanner() |
Create a section in the Jamroom Control Panel |
jmTextBannerEnd() |
End a section in the Jamroom Control Panel |
jmToolCell() |
Create an entry like is found in the Jamroom Tools menu |
jmYesNo() |
Creat a Yes/No field in a Control Panel form |
jrCancel() |
Create a Cancel button in the Control Panel |
jrFormElementCell() |
Create a cell in a form that can contain multiple form elements |
jrFormOrderedList() |
Create a <select> form element that allows re-ordering of entries |
jrFormSubmit() |
Create the submit/cancel section of a Control Panel form |
jrGetFormNotice() |
Get an error notice that has been set in a Control Panel form |
jrHtmlButtonCode() |
Create a button in the Control Panel |
jrHtmlFormHiddenField() |
Add a hidden form field to a Control Panel form |
jrHtmlFormRawText() |
Embed raw text in the Control Panel |
jrHtmlFormTemplate() |
Display a Jamroom template in the Control Panel |
jrHtmlFormTokenCreate() |
Create an anti-CSRF form token |
jrHtmlFormTokenValidate() |
Validate a anti-CSRF form token |
jrHtmlFormWarning() |
Display a large Warning banner in a Control Panel page |
jrHtmlPopupPlayer() |
Create a popup Flash Player field for audio/video in the Control Panel |
jrHtmlProgressLine() |
Echo an update line out to the browser (for example as used in the Integrity Check) |
jrHtmlShowForm() |
Force the display of a Control Panel form before jmHtmlEnd is called |
jrInvalidOption() |
Show an Invalid Option error page in a Control Panel form |
jrNotAuthorized() |
Show a Not Authorized error page in the Control Panel |
jrNoticePage() |
Show a success/warning/error section in a Control Panel form |
jrPickDate() |
Create a date element form that has 3 separate selectors for month, date and year |
jrSetFormNotice() |
Set a notice in a Control Panel form |
jrShowNotice() |
Show a notice (success/warning/error) inline in a Control Panel form |
Array Functions |
arrayFile() |
Read the contents of a file into a PHP array with options |
jrArrayMerge() |
Replacement array_merge that handles empty arrays in all Jamroom supported PHP versions |
jrArraySlice() |
Replacement array_slice() with preserve keys that works in all Jamroom supported PHP versions |
trimArray() |
Run the PHP trim() function on all values in an array |
HTML Functions |
cleanHtml() |
Recursive function to run nl2br() and stripslashes() on strings |
htmlGetTemplate() |
Get template options based on posted variables |
htmlShowTemplate() |
Main function used for displaying templates throughout Jamroom |
htmlBBCode() |
Convert BBCode entries in text to HTML |
htmlSmilies() |
Convert text emoticons to graphical smilies |
showHtml() |
Recursive function to run htmlspecialchars() |
stripHtml() |
Strip HTML that is not allowed from text using HTML_Safe |
Jamroom Ranking System Functions |
jrRankAddQuery() |
Construct a SQL portion from received parameters with options |
jrRankGetRandom() |
Retrieve a comma separated row of IDs from the Jamroom Random Table |
jrRankSaveRandom() |
Save randomized IDs in the Jamroom Random Table |
Form Functions |
addToForm() |
Add a key => value pair to a saved form session |
getForm() |
Retrieve key => value pairs from a saved form session |
remInForm() |
Remove a key => value pair from a saved from session |
resetForm() |
Reset and empty a saved form session |
saveForm() |
Save posted variables as a new form session |
setFormHighlight() |
Highlight a specific form field in a Control Panel form |
Profile Functions |
artistDiskUsage() |
Get amount of disk usage by specific profile |
getBandUrl() |
Get the "Friendly URL" for a given profile |
jrSuspendAccount() |
Suspend a Jamroom Profile |
Date and Time Functions |
convertTime() |
Add in seconds of offset based on location as set in Jamroom Control Panel |
getMicroTime() |
Get epoch time including microseconds |
getMonthInfo() |
Return information about month |
Miscellaneous Functions |
debug() |
Print information in debug format to the screen |
fdebug() |
Write information in debug format to the logs/jr_debug_log |
getCounts() |
Retrieve information counts from Jamroom |
getJamroomUrl() |
Get proper Jamroom URL to use based on profiles server information |
getQuota() |
Return information about a Jamroom Quota |
getPostVars() |
Merged $_REQUEST, $_COOKIE and $_FILES superglobals, cleaned for magic_quotes settings |
getRealIp() |
Return Real IP Address of viewer (will attempt to get proper IP from proxy servers) |
isCached() |
Check and return cached object from Jamroom cache tables if it exists |
jmLogger() |
Log message to Jamroom Activity Log |
jrAdminOnly() |
Set code section to only be accessible by Jamroom Master Admin |
jrCheckDemoMode() |
Check if Jamroom is running in Demo Mode |
jrCheckDisabled() |
Check if Jamroom is running in Maintenance Mode |
jrCallUrl() |
Call a remote URL and save results, works even if allow_url_fopen is disabled |
jrConfigReader() |
Read a .ini/.cfg file and return contents as an array |
jrCookie() |
Set/read/Delete a persistent cookie |
jrGetModules() |
Get a list of active modules installed in Jamroom |
jrGetQuotas() |
Get Jamroom Quotas |
jrGetSkins() |
Get installed Jamroom Skins |
jrIsDemoMode() |
Check if Jamroom is running in Demo Mode |
jrLocation() |
Send a http Location header to a browser with session information saved |
jrProcessEmail() |
Process an Email template and return subject and message |
jrSendEmail() |
Send Email to an email address |
jrSendNote() |
Send a Private Note to recipients |
Media Functions |
getChannelVideos() |
Get videos that are part of a Jamroom TV Channel |
getStationSongs() |
Get Songs that are part of a Jamroom Radio Station |
getStreamData() |
Get stream information for a song |
getVideoData() |
Get stream information for a video |
isMediaFile() |
Check if a file is an allowed Media Item based on the profiles Jamroom Quota |
jrMediaGetFile() |
Retreive an uploaded file and place it in Profile media directory |
jrMediaDeleteFile() |
Remove a media file that was saved using jrMediaGetFile() |
User Account Functions |
deleteUser() |
Delete a User Account |
getUserData() |
Retrieve User account information |
getUserNames() |
Get a list of Jamroom Usernames with options |
Language Functions |
getLanguage() |
Get language strings for users configured language in Control Panel |
languageArray() |
Get array of available Control Panel languages |