The Jamroom Master Config
The Jamroom Master Config is the area in your Jamroom that almost all Jamroom system-wide settings are set and/or modified. The Jamroom Master Config is only visible to the Master Admin (in fact the entire Master Admin Menu is only visible to the Master Admin). It is within the Jamroom Config that you will modify settings such as the System Name, Deep linking protection, PHP environment options, and various User account settings.
You will find that the Jamroom Config has built-in help - each field in the Jamroom Config has information and details to the right of the setting to help you understand what the setting does, and how it affects your Jamroom. Understanding the various Jamroom settings can help you modify Jamroom to suit your needs, as well as offer you many different configuration capabilities that can help you customize Jamroom to your specific needs.
When you log into your Jamroom as the Master Admin, and click on the "Admin Options" button, you'll see the Jamroom Config option: