Understanding the Jamroom 4 Directory Structure
Jamroom 4 is organized into a logical directory structure that helps maintain "order" within your Jamroom, and defines the locations that Jamroom expects to find scripts and templates within:
- jamroom/compile - the compile directory holds the "compiled" Jamroom Smarty templates. This allows Jamroom to avoid having to rebuild a template every time it is requested, as the compile directory holds the Smarty-parsed PHP files that are used by Jamroom. The contents of this directory can be deleted and Jamroom will recreate the contents as needed.
- jamroom/config - the config directory contains the settings.cfg.php file and other config files used by Jamroom in the interface.
- jamroom/docs - the docs directory contains the Jamroom License, Read Me and other text files.
- jamroom/images - the Jamroom Images directory contains all of the "default" images used in Jamroom that are not associated with a specific Jamroom Skin.
- jamroom/include - the include directory contains all of the Jamroom "Library" scripts used in Jamroom. The Jamroom Library scripts contain the PHP functions used in Jamroom. You can can also find all of the 3rd party contributed libraries used within Jamroom here as well.
- jamroom/language - the language directory holds the Jamroom language files used in the Jamroom Control Panel.
- jamroom/logs - the logs directory holds the Jamroom PHP Error log, as well as the Play Tracking (audit) logs if enabled in a Jamroom Quota.
- jamroom/media - this is the default directory Jamroom uses to store the Artist media files. Note that if you have upgraded your Jamroom from a version of Jamroom 2.x or older, your directory may be named "songs".
- jamroom/members - this is the default directory Jamroom uses to created the Artist Pages within. Note that if you have upgraded your Jamroom from a version of Jamroom 2.x or older, your directory may be named "bands".
- jamroom/modules - Add-on modules that provide extra functionality in Jamroom will be located here.
- jamroom/sample - this directory contains the "sample" media files used in a fresh Jamroom install. After install this directory can be safely deleted.
- jamroom/skins - the skins directory contains the various Jamroom Skins that are installed in Jamroom. The Jamroom Skins define the overall look and feel of your Jamroom site for all pages that are NOT in the Control Panel, or an Artist Page.
- jamroom/styles - the styles directory contains the CSS files that define the colors, fonts and images used in the Jamroom Control Panel.
- jamroom/templates - the templates directory contains Smarty templates that are NOT related to a specific Jamroom Skin. You will find all of the E-Mail Templates location in the email sub directory.
- jamroom/themes - the themes directory contains the individual Artist Themes that define the look and feel of the Jamroom Artist/Member Pages.
- jamroom/uploads - if you are allowing Importing of media files, there are numbered sub directories within the uploads directory that correspond to each Artist in your Jamroom. Files placed within these directories are made available to the Artist in the Jamroom Control Panel.