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The Jamroom System Config Index Changing the MySQL or Master Admin Password


With the release of Jamroom 4, a new level of configuration has been added into the Jamroom Core to give the Jamroom admin even more flexibility over the low-level behavior of the system.  These new settings are called "Advanced Config Keys", and are created, changed and removed from the Jamroom Config -> Advanced Settings section (which first appeared in Jamroom 4.0.0b4).

Previously in Jamroom 3 many of these settings were available as PHP constants in the Jamroom Library files (i.e. the PHP scripts located in jamroom/include) - the problem was that any time the core scripts were upgraded, you had to remember to go into each script you had modified and reset it to your custom value.  With the new Advanced Config Keys, these config options are now stored in the jamroom/config/settings.cfg.php file, which is not overwritten when Jamroom is upgraded.

WARNING: You will need to MAKE SURE the value you are using for an Advanced Config Key is the proper (and accepted) value for the key - using an incorrect value for a config key could cause unpredictable behavior in your Jamroom, or even cause your Jamroom to stop functioning.  If you are not sure of the value to use, seek assistance before continuing.

Allowed Advanced Config Keys

The following Advanced Config Keys are available for use in Jamroom:

Config Key Value Default Description
jr_advert_count_timeout number 600 The jr_advert_count_timeout is the length of time (in seconds) that must elapse before a user can click on the same ad again and have it be counted.
jr_allow_chart_url no n/a The jr_allow_chart_url setting allows you to block all requests coming in as a GET request (i.e. direct URL) to the chart.php script.  WARNING: Be sure that ALL of your charts are embedded into templates using the {jr_chart} template function - this includes any URLs and links in the header/footer templates used in your chart calls (i.e. previous and next page links) - if any of these links call chart.php directly, and you have set this setting to "no", then those calls will be denied.  You can also set this setting to an IP Address, which will then allow URL (GET) calls only from the specified IP Address.  Remove this Advanced Key to allow URL calls.
jr_allow_get_counts_url yes/no yes If the jr_allow_get_counts_url setting is set to "no", then a request to the get_counts.php script will be denied - all counts will need to go through the embedded {get_counts} template function.  You can also set this setting to an IP Address, which will then allow URL (GET) calls only from the specified IP Address.  Remove this Advanced Key to allow URL calls.
jr_allow_private_band_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Profile Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Profile Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_channel_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Channel Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Channel Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_item_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Store Item Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Store Item Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_message_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Blog Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Blog Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_photo_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Photo Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Photo Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_radio_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Radio Station Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Radio Station Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_song_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Song Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Song Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_user_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any User Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then User Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_vault_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Vault Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Vault Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_private_video_image yes/no no By default, Jamroom will block any Video Image if the profile has been set as "private" and the viewing user is NOT a fan or friend.  By setting this config key to "yes", then Video Images will be visible to all even if the profile has been set to private.
jr_allow_ranking_url yes/no yes The jr_allow_ranking_url setting allows you to block all requests coming in as GET to the ranking.php script.  WARNING: Be sure that ALL of your Jamroom Ranking System lists are embedded into templates using the {jr_ranking} template function - this includes any URLs and links in the header/footer templates used in your ranking calls (i.e. previous and next page links) - if any of these links call ranking.php directly, and you have set this setting to "no", then those calls will be denied.  You can also set this setting to an IP Address, which will then allow URL (GET) calls only from the specified IP Address.  Remove this Advanced Key to allow URL calls.
jr_allow_vault_file_download yes/no no If you have the System Config -> System Quotas -> Modify -> Payments tab -> Use HIFI File as Vault File setting set to "yes", then Jamroom will not allow the HIFI file to be downloaded, and will only present Sreaming options.  Set this key to "yes" to re-enable the Listener Access download choices options.
jr_allow_videochart_url yes/no yes The jr_allow_videochart_url setting allows you to block all requests coming in as GET to the videochart.php script.  WARNING: Be sure that ALL of your video charts are embedded into templates using the {jr_chart} template function - this includes any URLs and links in the header/footer templates used in your chart calls (i.e. previous and next page links) - if any of these links call videochart.php directly, and you have set this setting to "no", then those calls will be denied.  You can also set this setting to an IP Address, which will then allow URL (GET) calls only from the specified IP Address.  Remove this Advanced Key to allow URL calls.
jr_calendar_max_events number 200 The jr_calendar_max_events setting allows you to set a hard-cap on the maximum number of events returned when using the {jr_calendar} template function.
jr_channel_playlist_cache_seconds number 30 By default, Jamroom will cache playlists for Jamroom Video channels for 30 seconds.  If you have a large system with a lot of videos and channels, you might get beter performance by increasing this value to something higher.
jr_channel_skip_preview_videos yes/no no If you would like to prevent Videos that have Preview Lengths set from showing in the TV Channels, set this to "yes".
jr_coppa_check_years number 1920 If you would like the YEAR drop down select list to begin at a year other then 1920, you can enter the year with this Advanced key.
jr_csrf_check yes/no yes The jr_csrf_check allows you to disable the Jamroom Anti CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) checking throughout Jamroom.  This is NOT recommended!
jr_css_src_use_static yes/no no As of Jamroom 4.2, there is a new CSS handler that sends out CSS.  By default, each time the function is called it "watches" for changes in the CSS source files in case it needs to recompile.  Set this key to "yes" to bypass this compile check.  Note that this will improve performance at the expense that Jamroom will not detect CSS source file changes until this key is removed or set to "no".
jr_daily_maintenance_hour 00-23 n/a If you would like the Jamroom Daily Maintenance to be run during a specific hour of the day, you can set the jr_daily_maintenance_hour advanced key to the 24 hour hour format (00 = 12:00 am, 23 = 11:00 pm) you would like the daily maintenance to be run during.
jr_daily_maintenance_ip ip_address n/a By default the Jamroom Daily Maintenance cycle is started by the first chart/play/stream from a viewer after midnight server time (or during the jr_daily_maintenance_hour) - if you would like to only allow the daily maintenance cycle ot be started by a known IP address, you can enter the allowed IP address using this advanced key.  This is perfect for sites that want to be sure daily maintenance is run at a very specific time each day regardless of their site's traffic levels.
jr_db_charset string n/a The jr_db_charset allows you to define an alternate character set to use in your Jamroom MySQL database.  By default, Jamroom will use the default "charset" type defined in your MySQL server.
jr_default_items_per_page number 15 There are many locations in the Jamroom Master Admin control panel where items are listed in "pages" - this setting controls the number of items shown on each page.
jr_default_ip_address string If Jamroom is unable to determine the remote viewers IP Address, Jamroom will use this value as the default IP Address.
jr_disk_usage_include_uploads yes n/a If the jr_disk_usage_include_uploads advanced key is set to "yes", the files that are found in the profile's "uploads" directory will be counted towards their Jamroom quota disk allowance.
jr_downlock_htpasswd_program string n/a If you are using the Jamroom Download Lock option, and Jamroom is not able to find the proper Apache htpasswd program to use, you can enter the proper FULL PATH to the htpasswd binary using this setting.
jr_downlock_use_apache_htpasswd string no If you are using the Jamroom Download Lock in Jamroom 2.x compatability mode, then you can set this setting to "yes" to use the external Apache htpasswd authentication mechanism instead of Jamroom's own internal built in authentication mechanism
jr_enable_classic_cp yes/no no In Jamroom 4 the Jamroom 2.x/3.x "Classic Control Panel" is disabled by default - set this value to "yes" to enable the use of the Classic Control Panel.
jr_fan_send_admin_mailer yes/no yes By default, the Jamroom Master Admin will receive a copy of all Fan/Friend Mailers as they are sent out - set this option to "no" to disable this action.
jr_file_string_remove expr /[^-a-zA-Z0-9_.%]/ When Jamroom creates or accepts a value that can be used as a filname on the file system, or as a URL, it is first run through the fileString() function - this config key defines the Regular Expression that will be used in place of Jamroom's internal expression when removing/allowing characters in a string.
jr_forum_cache_enabled yes/no yes When using the Jamroom Profile Forum, the pages are "cached" for faster response time - you can disable this caching system wide by setting this value to "no"
jr_forum_current_count number 25 By default Jamroom only saves a certain amount of "new" posts that can be used in the "Latest Forum Topics" block - you can override the internal value by entering a new value for this Config Key.
jr_forum_feed_cache_seconds number 30 By default Jamroom will cache the output of an RSS feed from the Profile Forum - you can override the length of time the cache will be considered valid by entering a new value for this Config Key.
jr_forum_feed_count number 12 How many entries should be included in a RSS Feed from a Jamroom Profile Forum?
jr_forum_flood_seconds number 5 By default, the Jamroom forum will only allow a user to post or reply to a post every jr_forum_flood_seconds.  By default this is set to 5, for 5 seconds.  Set this value lower or higher depending on your needs.
jr_full_data_reset yes/no n/a If you would like to FULLY RESET your Jamroom database, and delete everything except the Master Admin login, set the jr_full_data_reset advanced key to "yes", then you will find the option to reset the system in the "Reset Stats" Jamroom Tool.
jr_id3_tag_encoding string detected The jt_id3_tag_encoding setting controls the getid3 encoding that will be used when writing tags to media files. Jamroom will attempt to detect the type of encoding being used in the tag and set this automatically, but you can override this by setting the encoding to UTF-8.
jr_image_crop_height_offset float .01 The jr_image_crop_height_offset key defines the "offset" (as a percentage) from the top of the image that Jamroom will use as the crop height.  Setting this to a smaller number (such as .01) will keep more of the "top" of the image, while setting it higher (such as .50) will shift the crop more to the lower portion of the image.
jr_image_max_cached number 300 Jamroom places a hard limit on the number of resized images that are cached on a per profile basis.  By default this is 300, which should be large enough even for the largest profiles.  However, if you are receiving errors in your Activity Log that this cache limit is being reached, you can increase it by setting the jr_image_max_cached setting to something higher.
jr_image_min_count_size number 320 How large must an image be (width in pixels) before Jamroom will count a "view" for the image?  This prevents generated thumbnails as counting as a view - ideally this should be set larger then generated thumbnals in the Skin/theme so that only when a visitor actually clicks on a photo to view it does the photo count a "view".
jr_image_modified_headers yes/no yes By default, the Jamroom image.php script will send out a "not modified" header for images that the viewer has already cached in their browser - this speeds up the page display since the viewer does not have to download the image again.  Set this to "no" to force a new image download even if the viewer has the image cached in their browser.
jr_image_watermark_x_offset number 5 The number of pixels from the right side of the image to apply the image watermark if enabled.
jr_image_watermark_y_offset number 5 The number of pixels from the bottom of the image to apply the image watermark if enabled.
jr_invite_allow_profile_join yes/no yes This advanced key can be set to "no" if you would like to make it so your users cannot invite other users to your join your Jamroom and become part of the users existing profile.
jr_invite_profile_join_req first/last n/a The jr_invite_profile_join_req advanced key can be set to control the behavior of which users see the "Join Profile" option in the Invite User form.  If set to "first", then only the ORIGINAL User for the profile is allowed to invite other user's to join their existing profile.  If set to "last", only the LAST User added to the profile can invite another user to join the existing profile.
jr_javascript_src_use_static yes/no no As of Jamroom 4.2, there is a new Javascript handler that sends out compressed Javascript.  By default, each time the function is called it "watches" for changes in the Javascript source files in case it needs to recompile.  Set this key to "yes" to bypass this compile check.  Note that this will improve performance at the expense that Jamroom will not detect Javascript source file changes until this key is removed or set to "no".
jr_log_action_download yes/no no If the jr_log_action_download advanced config key is set to "yes", then all downloads by logged in Users will be logged to their action log.
jr_log_action_stream yes/no no If the jr_log_action_stream advanced config key is set to "yes", then all streams by logged in Users will be logged to their action log.
jr_log_bad_referrer yes/no no If a page load in Jamroom causes an invalid template error, the error can be logged to Jamroom's activity log by setting this value to yes.
jr_log_downloads yes/no no By default Jamroom will only log the User that downloaded a file if the "Download Lock" option is active.  However, you can set this to "yes" to force Jamroom to log all downloads regardless of the Download Lock setting.  This allows the {jr_downloads} template function to be used.
jr_login_characters expr /[^-a-zA-Z0-9_ ]/ Using the jr_login_characters setting you can restrict the Login names used by users in your Jamroom.
jr_login_ips_expire_seconds number 2592000 This setting sets the number of seconds "old" an IP Address must be before Jamroom no longer sees it as a login IP Address for a user.
jr_mailer_mode string n/a If the "jr_mailer_mode" config key is set to "debug", then when Jamroom sends email, instead of actually sending the email, the email will be logged to the jamroom/logs/jr_debug_log.
jr_manufacturer_id_number number 111111 When Jamroom creates a bar graph on an Event Ticket, what is the Manufacturer ID Number to use?
jr_max_purge_profiles number 100 When Jamroom purges profiles during the nightly maintenance cycle (if enabled in the Jamroom Quotas), what is the maximum number of profiles that will be "purged" per cycle?
jr_memcached_timeout number 5 How many seconds will Jamroom wait for the memcached server to respond (if MemCached caching is enabled)?
jr_minimum_count_bytes number 66000 What is the minimum number of bytes that must be read from a Media File before a "hit" is counted?  WARNING: If you are NOT serving all of your media via Flash Players, and users can stream your audio/video within a player on their system (such as iTunes or Windows Media Player), it is highly recommended that you do NOT set this lower then 66000 otherwise users using Windows Media Player will get their play counted double since WMP does 2 "scans" of the media before streaming.
jr_newsletter_smtp_password string n/a Jamroom 4 can send the Jamroom Newsletter via an alternate SMTP server - enter the password used for the SMTP server.
jr_newsletter_smtp_port number n/a Jamroom 4 can send the Jamroom Newsletter via an alternate SMTP server - enter the port used for the SMTP server.
jr_newsletter_smtp_server IP n/a Jamroom 4 can send the Jamroom Newsletter via an alternate SMTP server - enter the IP Address used for the SMTP server.
jr_newsletter_smtp_username string n/a Jamroom 4 can send the Jamroom Newsletter via an alternate SMTP server - enter the User Name used for the SMTP server.
jr_no_gzip_compression yes/no no As of Jamroom 4.2, output templates are gzipped before being displayed - this can improve browser performance.  You can disable this GZIP compression by setting this key to "yes".
jr_no_password_changes yes/no yes If you would like to prevent users from being able to have their password reset and email to them, set this option to "no".
jr_note_hide_admin_sent yes/no yes By default, when the Jamroom System sends out a Private Note to a user, it will be seen as coming from the Master Admin, and the Private Note will NOT show in the Admin's Sentbox.  Set this Advanced Key to "no" if you would like ALL system generated Private Notes to show in the Master Admin's sentbox.
jr_orphan_file_safe_seconds number 7200 When running a FileSystem Cleanup from the Jamroom Tools Menu, how many seconds "old" must a media file be before it will even be considered an "orphan" file?
jr_protect_old_method yes/no no If you are using the "Page Protect" script from the Jamroom Power Pack, and need Jamroom to support the older Jamroom 2.x/3.x method of protecting a page via Apache's .htaccess file, set this value to "yes".
jr_radio_playlist_cache_seconds number 30 By default, Jamroom will cache playlists generated for Radio Stations for 30 seconds.  The Radio Station SQL queries can be very intensive, depending on the number of songs in the station.  The default 30 seconds should be good for most systems, but if your system is very large, you might get better performance by setting this value to a higher number of seconds.
jr_radio_create_mode string n/a If you would like to define the SONG MODE (i.e. hifi or lofi) for creating a new radio station, this will bypass the "selection" area when creating a new radio station if you have multiple audio file modes in your Jamroom.  For example, setting this setting to "song_hifi" would make it so only HIFI files were used in creating radio stations.
jr_radio_create_type string n/a If you would like to define the FILE TYPE for creating a new radio station, this will bypass the "selection" area when creating a new radio station if you have multiple audio file types in your Jamroom.  For example, setting this setting to "mp3" will make it so only MP3 based radio stations can be created.
jr_radio_skip_preview_songs yes/no no If you would like to prevent songs that have a Preview Length set from appearing in Radio Stations, set this option to "yes".
jr_recommended_max_results number 12 When using the "Recommended Music" feature in the Flashback skin, what is the max results returned?
jr_search_alphabet string a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z When using the "search" sections in the Jamroom Control Panel, Jamroom presents you with an alphabet search section - what letters should appear there?
jr_show_media_file_warning yes/no yes By default, on the Song Modify screen, Jamroom "checks" that the media file for a given song exists in the media/band_id directory for the profile, and will present a warning notice on the screen if it is unable to find the actual media file.  Set this key to "no" to prevent this check (and notice) from happening.
jr_show_profiler_console yes/no no Set this value to "yes" to show the Jamroom PHP system profiler (displays memory usage, SQL queries and PHP file includes, along with performance benchmark information).
jr_skip_fan_comment exists n/a If the "jr_skip_fan_comment" key is set to any value, then the "comment" field used when approving a fan/friend will not be shown.
jr_stats_default_tab string "site_stats" If you would like the Profile Statistics section to load a different default page, you can set that page with the jr_stats_default_tab option.  Valid options are:  site_stats, song_stats, video_stats, station_stats, channel_stats, sales_stats and photo_stats.
jr_stream_media_chunk_size number 1000000 How many bytes of data should be read every jr_stream_media_sleep seconds?
jr_stream_media_key_expires number 7200 How many seconds will a Media Key be valid for?
jr_stream_media_sleep number 2 How many seconds will the Jamroom streamer "sleep" between chunk reads?
jr_turbodbadmin_active yes/no no In Jamroom 4.1, the database administration tool was changed from TurboDBAdmin to Adminer.  If your Jamroom install is older then 4.1, and you upgrade, you can set this advanced key to "yes" to continue using the older TurboDBAdmin instead.
jr_uploads_dir_mode octal 0777 Set different permissions on directories created in jamroom/uploads directory.
jr_user_agent string Jamroom Agent When Jamroom "calls" a URL internally what User Agent should Jamroom use?
jr_user_credit_use_tenths yes/no no By default the user Credit System only works with while price values (i.e. 1.00) - set this key to "yes" for support of tenths (i.e. 1.000).
musicdns_id string n/a As for Jamroom 4.2, AudibleMagic support has replaced MusicDNS support - if you would prefer to use MusicDNS, you can set your MusicDNS ID with this advanced key, and the Jamroom Conversion server will use MusicDNS instead.


The Jamroom System Config page 33 of 171 Changing the MySQL or Master Admin Password
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