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The Jamroom AdManager is a new Advertisement Management System designed specifically for Jamroom to make it easy to display and manage advertisements for your Jamroom. The system allows the master admin and admin-selected users to create advertisements, set up advertisement types and categories for the advertisements, and track advertisements clicks. The Jamroom AdManager also gives the master admin to create Advertisement Quotas that can be used to limit the number of advertisements users in that Advertisement Quota can create, as well as control other settings. Advertisements in the Jamroom AdManager are displayed in templates using the {jr_advert} smarty function.

Using the Jamroom Ad Manager

The Jamroom Ad Manager is available from the Jamroom Tools Menu.

After clicking on the Ad Manager button, you will be presented with the Advertisement Management screen for the Ad Manager control panel, which allows you to view all of the advertisements for your system.  While in this screen, you can create and modify advertisements, as well as sort and/or filter your advertisements by any category.

Note: the master admin can always see all advertisements for all users. Users will only be able to see their own advertisements.

To create a new advertisement:

  • From the Advertisement Management screen, click on the Create Advertisement button
  • Enter the following information for your advertisement in the appropriate fields:
    • Advertisement Name - an identifying name for your advertisement
    • Advertisement URL - the url you would like the advertisement to redirect to
    • Advertisement Content - the content of your advertisement (HTML is permitted)
    • Advertisement Description - a description for your advertisement
    • Advertisement Type - the type of advertisement, i.e. banner, skyscraper, text, etc.
    • Advertisement Category - the category of the advertisement
    • Status - the status of an advertisement (approved, pending, denied) - Only advertisements that have been approved will be available to be displayed in your templates. The admin will also see a comment field if viewing a user-created advertisement that can be used to explain why an advertisement has been denied.
Note: Admin-created advertisements are always automatically approved. If you would like all advertisements to be approved (including user-created advertisements), you can do so in each Advertisement Quota
  • Save your new new field by clicking on the "Save Advertisement" button.

Managing Advertisement Quotas:

  • From the Advertisement Management screen, click on the Manage Advertisement Quotas button
  • To create a new Advertisement Quota, click on the Create Quota:
    • Advertisement Quota Name - an identifying name for your new advertisement quota
    • Advertisement Quota Description - a description for your advertisement quota
    • Advertisement Quota Max Ads - the maximum number of advertisements a user in this advertisement quota can create (use 0 to allow an unlimited number of advertisements)
    • Require Admin Approval - set to "Yes" to require the admin to approve all user-created advertisements; set to "No" to automatically approve all user-created advertisements
  • Save your new new field by clicking on the "Save Advertisement Quota" button.

Allowing users to create advertisements

Now that you have successfully set up and configured the AdManager, you can begin to allow specified users to create their own advertisements.

  • From the admin control panel, click on the Modify User button
  • Search for and select the user you would like to permit to create advertisements.
  • Find the User Advertiser Quota field, and insert the Advertisement Quota ID you would like that user to be a part of.
  • Save User's Advertisement Quota by clicking on the "Update User" button.

The selected User will now be able to create their own advertisements!

You're all set! You can now begin creating system advertisements and allowing your users to create their own advertisements!

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