With the release of the Jamroom 4.2 Payment Pack, a new and exciting feature for Jamroom has been unveiled - "User Credits". User Credits offer several new options and features that can be used to enhance the user experience in your Jamroom. With the User Credit option, you have the opportunity to:
- Sell User Credit in your Jamroom - i.e. sell $15 worth of credit for $10 (as an example)
- "reward" your Users for actions by using Credit Actions (i.e. users can "earn" credit by performing actions in your Jamroom)
The Jamroom User Credit option requires Jamroom Payment Pack 4.2 or newer!
To get started using Jamroom User Credit, it's important that the features are first configured and activated - otherwise the options will not be available, or will not work.
Enabling the User Credit option
The first step to setting up the new User Credit options is to make sure the User Credit system is enabled:
- Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin
- Click on "Admin Options"
- Click on "System Config"
- Click on "Payment Settings"
You will see a new "User Credit" Section in the Payment Settings form:
These 4 new options are:
- Credit System Active - If this is set to "yes", then the User Credit is going to be active. This can be thought of as the "main switch" to enabling/disabling User Credit
- Credit Option Sales - If this is set to yes, then it means your User can purchase Credit Options.
- Display In Credits - the Credit System can display amounts as either "Credits" (always 1/100th of $1) or as "Currency".
- Use Only Credit - you can set this to "yes" to make it so the only option for the Payment System is credit - i.e. when a user adds items to their Cart, they will only be able to check out if they have enough credit for the purchase.
Creating Jamroom Credit Options
The next step in setting up user Credit is to create your first "Credit Option" (note that if you set the "Credit Option Sales" setting to "no" in the Payment Settings as outlined above, then there is no need to configure any Credit Options, since you will not be selling any credit). To create our Credit Option we do the following:
- Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin
- click on "Admin Options"
- click on "System Tools"
- Under "Admin Tools" click on "Credit Manager"
This will take you into the new "Pre-Paid Credit Options" tool, where you can create your pre-paid Credit Options that you will make available to your users to purchase.
- Create a new Pre-Paid Credit Option - clicking on this button will take you to the Credit Option create screen
- Browse Credit Log - clicking on this button wll display the credit log. Whenever the system credits (or debits) a user account, the action is logged to the Credit Log.
Below the Option bar, you will see any previously created Credit Options are available for modification. For now, click on the "Create a new Pre-Paid Credit Option" button in the Options menu to create your first Credit Option. You will see the following form:
- Option Name - Enter a "name" for this new credit option. This is a descriptive name that your users will see when they are browsing the credit options that they can purchase - i.e. "10% free!"
- Option Description - Enter a detailed description of this new credit option - this will also be displayed to the user when they are browsing the credit options that they can purchase.
- Option Credit Amount - enter the amount of credit the user will receive when they purchase this credit option. This value MUST be entered as a PRICE.
- Option Purchase Price - how much does this credit option cost to purchase?
- Credit Expiration - you can set the expiration for this credit - NOTE: It is against the law in certain countries and states to expire credit - please consult your local laws before enabling this option.
- Credit Quotas - If you would like to make this Credit Option only available to specific Profile Quotas, select the Quota(s) from this list.
- Option Active - If this is set to "no", then this credit option will not appear in the list of available Credit Options that is displayed to the user.
Once you have entered all the information as you would like it, press the "Create Option" button to create the new Pre-Paid Credit Option.
Configuring the Profile Quotas for Credit Options
The next step is to properly setup your Profile Quotas to have the new Quota Options be available from the Control Panel, as well as setup any "Credit Actions" that you might want to have for the users in your Profile Quotas.
- Log in as the Master Admin to your Jamroom
- Select "Admin Options"
- Select "System Config"
- Select "Profile Quotas"
- Click on the "Modify" button to the right of a Profile Quota you want to give access to purchase Credit Options.
- Select the "Payments" tab in the profile quota config
- Near the bottom of this form, you will see the following settings:
- Allow Credit Purchase - If this is set to "yes", then User's with profiles in this profile quota will be allowed to purchase Pre-Paid Credit Options.
- Show Credit Options - If this is set to "yes", then User's in their profile quota will see a "Purchase Credit" link when logged in to the Control Panel.
- Credit Actions - Credit actions allow you to CREDIT or DEBIT the User account when the the user does the respective action. ALL VALUES must be entered as valid prices! i.e. enter "+1.00" to credit a user ONE DOLLAR. Enter "-0.25" to DEBIT a user 25 cents.
Repeat these steps as many times as you would like for each of the Profile Quotas you would like to configure Credit Options for.
Adjust an individual User's Credit Balance
If you would like to adjust the amount of User Credit an individual User Account has in your Jamroom, you can do the following:
- Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin
- Select the "Users" link from the Admin Menu
- Select "Modify User"
- Choose the User from the list you would like to modify. Note that if you have more then 250 User Accounts in your Jamroom, then you will want to select the letter from the search list that their LOGIN name begins with. Once you have select the user in the select list, press the "Modify User" button.
- Scroll down in the Modify User form until you see this text entry box:
Enter the AMOUNT of User Credit the user account should have (make sure it is in a valid PRICE format - i.e. "1.00" for one dollar, "0.25" for 25 cents, etc.) and press the "Update User" button at the bottom of the form.