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Video Information Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$VIDEO_COUNT} The total number of videos (that are not hidden) for this artist
{$VIDEO_RANK} The number of the video as it appears on the output page (i.e. 3).
{$VIDEO_ID} The Jamroom Video ID number (i.e. 12)
{$VIDEO_TIME} The Epoch Time the video was uploaded.
{$VIDEO_DATE1} The Date the video was uploaded formatted to Jamroom Config “Date Format” 1.
{$VIDEO_DATE2} The Date the video was uploaded formatted to Jamroom Config “Date Format” 2.
{$VIDEO_DATE3} The Date the video was uploaded formatted to Jamroom Config “Date Format” 3.
{$VIDEO_NAME} The Name of the video.
{$VIDEO_CAPTION} The “caption” for the video.
{$VIDEO_ALBUM} The “album name” the video belongs to.
{$VIDEO_SIZE} The size (in bytes) of the video file.
{$VIDEO_EXTENSION} The File Name extension of the video (i.e. wmv).
{$VIDEO_DOWNLOAD} Will be set to “yes” if video is allowed to be downloaded.
{$VIDEO_DOWNLOAD_URL} URL to the download.php script to download this video
{$VIDEO_BITRATE} The bitrate of the video file.
{$VIDEO_RESOLUTION} The resolution of the video (i.e. “640×480“)
{$VIDEO_WIDTH} The width of the video resolution - i.e. “640”.
{$VIDEO_HEIGHT} The height of the video resolution - i.e. “480”.
{$VIDEO_LENGTH} The length of the video, in MM:SS
{$VIDEO_LICENSE} The license the video is being released under.
{$VIDEO_GENRE} The genre selected for the video.
{$VIDEO_CREDITS} The credits for the video.
{$VIDEO_ADVISE} set to “yes” if video contains material that may be offensive to some viewers.
{$VIDEO_PLAY_URL} The URL to play.php that will play the video file.
{$VIDEO_PLAYCOUNT} The number of plays the video has had.
{$VIDEO_GENRE_FILE_NAME} The Video Genre, formatted to link to the {VIDEO_GENRE} Output File Name Variable.
{$VIDEO_ALBUM_FILE_NAME} The Video Album, formatted to link to the {VIDEO_ALBUM} Output File Name Variable.

Video Image Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$VIDEO_IMAGE_URL} The URL to image.php to show the associated video image.
{$VIDEO_IMAGE_GD} The URL to the image.php script to sow the associated video image, resized to the specifications within the config.cfg.php theme config file.
{$VIDEO_IMAGE_NAME} The name of the video image file.
{$VIDEO_IMAGE_TYPE} The type of image (i.e. jpg) the associated video image is.
{$VIDEO_IMAGE_SIZE} The size (in bytes) of the associated video image.
{$VIDEO_IMAGE_EXTENSION} The file name extension of the associated video image.

Video Comment Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$VIDEO_COMMENT_FORM} The URL to the comment.php to post a comment about the video.
{$VIDEO_COMMENTS_URL} The URL to the comment.php script to view the comments about the video (will require additional template variable).
{$VIDEO_COMMENT_COUNT} The number of comments for this video.

Video Rating Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$VIDEO_RATING_FORM} Creates a URL link to the rating.php form for this video.
{$VIDEO_RATING_AVG} The average of the song rating values - i.e. “3.24”, or “0” if no rating given yet.
{$VIDEO_RATING_NUM} The number of ratings this video has received so far.
{$VIDEO_RATING_1} The number of “1” ratings this video has received.
{$VIDEO_RATING_2} The number of “2” ratings this video has received.
{$VIDEO_RATING_3} The number of “3” ratings this video has received.
{$VIDEO_RATING_4} The number of “4” ratings this video has received.
{$VIDEO_RATING_5} The number of “5” ratings this video has received.

Video Output File Name Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$VIDEO_ID} The Jamroom Videoo ID number (i.e. 12)
{$VIDEO_GENRE} The Genre of the video.
{$VIDEO_ALBUM} The Video Album for the video.

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