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Store Information Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$ITEM_COUNT} The number of items the Artist has in their store
{$ITEM_RANK} The number of the item on the output HTML. This will start at 1 for the first item, then count up-wards for each additional item.
{$ITEM_ID} The Jamroom Item ID number (i.e. 35)
{$ITEM_NAME} The name of the Item (as entered into the text box)
{$ITEM_DESCRIPTION} The Item Description
{$ITEM_COST} How much the item costs (as entered into the text box)
{$ITEM_EMAIL} The PayPal E-Mail Address associated with the Item ID
{$ITEM_NUMBER} The PayPal Item Number associated with the Item ID
{$ITEM_CCODE} The PayPal currency Country Code associated with the Item ID
{$CURRENCY_SYMBOL} Depending on the {$ITEM_CCODE} that has been chosen for this item, this variable will contain the correct HTML symbol for that currency.
{$ITEM_IMAGE} This creates an URL that can be used within an <img> tag
{$ITEM_IMAGE_GD} This creates an URL that can be used within an <img> tag, but also adds the THEME defined height and width (as defined in the config.cfg.php file) - this will ensure it runs through Jamroom’s GD image processing functions, which can make the image look much nicer if it is being resized, as well as save bandwidth.
{$ITEM_IMAGE_NAME} The name of the image file
{$ITEM_IMAGE_URL} This is a direct URL link to the item image, without being processed by Jamroom’s image.php script - this can be used to view the “original” of the image.
{$ITEM_IMAGE_TYPE} The image type for the image - i.e. jpg, gif, png, etc.
{$ITEM_IMAGE_TYPE} The image MIME type for the image i.e. image/jpeg
{$ITEM_IMAGE_SIZE} The size in bytes of the original image file
{$ITEM_IMAGE_EXTENSION} The image filename extension - i.e. jpg, png, etc.
{$ITEM_PAYPAL_FORM} This tag will generate all the necessary hidden form elements, and uses the link to the buy_now.gif file
{$ITEM_EMAIL_FILE_NAME} The Item E-Mail, formatted to link to the {$ITEM_EMAIL} Output File Name Variable.

Store Output File Name Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$ITEM_ID} The Jamroom Item ID number (i.e. 35)
{$ITEM_EMAIL} The PayPal E-Mail Address associated with the Item ID

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