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Profile Variables - Video Templates Index Template Functions for use in Profile Theme templates:

Miscellaneous Template Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$SYSTEM_NAME} the System Name as entered in the master config
{$DEFAULT_STYLE} The name of the Default CSS style sheet for Jamroom (i.e. Jamroom_Blue.css)
{$SYSTEM_INDEX_TPL} The name of the Index Template File that has been defined as the "default" index template file within the Jamroom Config → Interface Settings section.
{$DB_PREFIX} The Jamroom Database table prefix as defined in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$ALLOW_ARTIST_URL} The value for the allow_aurl setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$AUTO_CREATE_LOFI} The value for the automake_lofi setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$RATING_SONGS} The value for the rating_songs setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$RATING_ARTISTS} The value for the rating_artists setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH} The value for the max_img_width setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT} The value for the max_img_height setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$JAMROOM_INDEX} The value for the jamroom_index setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$JAMROOM_ARTIST_DIR} The value for the artist_dir setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$JAMROOM_SONG_DIR} The value for the song_dir setting in the config/settings.cfg.php file.
{$CURRENT_TIME1} the current time (dynamic) formatted to $config[date1]
{$CURRENT_TIME2} the current time (dynamic) formatted to $config[date2]
{$CURRENT_TIME3} the current time (dynamic) formatted to $config[date3]
{$GENERATE_TIME} the time the Output HTML was generated
{$JAMROOM_ICON1} URL link to Jamroom Icon 1
{$JAMROOM_ICON2} URL link to Jamroom Icon 2
{$POWEREDBY_ICON} URL link to Powered By Jamroom icon
{$JAMROOM_PATH} path to the main Jamroom directory, i.e: /path/to/jamroom
{$JAMROOM_URL} url to the main Jamroom directory, i.e: http://server/jamroom
{$JAMROOM_VERSION} the Jamroom version number
{$OUTPUT_URL} The URL to the output directory, i.e: http://server/jamroom/bands/1
{$POPUP_JAVACODE} the actual Java script code to create a pop-up window (this would be used in the HTML HEAD section)
{$POPUP_JAVALINK} the correct code to place in a URL link to make the link appear in a pop-up window (this would be used in the A HREF line)
{$RANDOM_NUMBER} a dynamic random number (changes with each page load) between $config[random_lo] and $config[random_hi]
{$SERVER_NAME} the name of the Jamroom Server
{$SERVER_PORT} the web server HTML port for the Jamroom Server
{$SERVER_IP} the IP Address of the Jamroom Server
{$SERVER_ROOT} the DocumentRoot setting (web root) as defined by the web server.
{$VISITOR_IP} the IP Address of the Visitor viewing the Artist Site.
{$THEME_NAME} the name of the Jamroom theme
{$THEME_AUTHOR} the Author of the Jamroom theme
{$THEME_PATH} the path to the Jamroom theme, i.e: /path/to/jamroom/theme/jm_moss
{$THEME_URL} the URL to the Jamroom theme, i.e: http://server/jamroom/theme/jm_moss
{$PAGE_COUNTER} a numeric, visible hit counter to use on your output page - will allow stats to be tracked
{$HIDDEN_COUNTER} a hidden page counter (does not return text) that can be used to track stats on the page
{$PLAYALL_HIFI_MP3} generates a link to the “play.php” script that will play all hifi MP3‘s for a band (use inside of anchor tag)
{$PLAYALL_HIFI_WMA} generates a link to the “play.php” script that will play all hifi MP3‘s for a band (use inside of anchor tag) 1)
{$PLAYALL_HIFI_OGG} generates a link to the “play.php” script that will play all hifi MP3‘s for a band (use inside of anchor tag) 2)
{$PLAYALL_LOFI_MP3} generates a link to the “play.php” script that will play all lofi MP3‘s for a band (use inside of anchor tag)
{$PLAYALL_LOFI_WMA} generates a link to the “play.php” script that will play all lofi MP3‘s for a band (use inside of anchor tag) 3)
{$PLAYALL_LOFI_OGG} generates a link to the “play.php” script that will play all lofi MP3‘s for a band (use inside of anchor tag) 4)

1-4) You must be using the getid3 option for this to work

Profile Variables - Video Templates page 163 of 171 Template Functions for use in Profile Theme templates:
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