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Installing the Jamroom Skin Pack

Installing the Jamroom Skin Pack is easy to do, and shouldn't take more then 10 or 15 minutes to have it fully installed and configured.  Simply follow the guide below to get everything installed and configured.

Installing the required files

  • Next, uncompress the downloaded archive (it will be named like "jamroom-skinpack-4.0.0.zip" - note that the version number may be different) into a folder on your local hard drive. You will see that a sub-folder is created that is named the same as the download - i.e. “jamroom-skinpack-4.0.0”.
  • Next, upload the contents of this folder directly in to your Jamroom directory, using an FTP client (like FileZilla). If uploaded correctly, you will see the files from the Jamroom Skin Pack are now inside your jamroom directory - i.e. “jamroom/recommend.php”. You do not need to worry about overwriting any files already installed in your Jamroom, since all of the new files in the Jamroom Flashback Skin Pack do not exist in your Jamroom install.

All of the files required by the Jamroom Skin Pack have now been installed.

Setting the new "Flashback" Skin to be your Jamroom site skin

The Jamroom Skin Pack comes with a completely new Jamroom Skin called "Flashback" that has been created specifically to highlight the feature set of Jamroom 3+, and is a powerful and full layout.  Making the new "Flashback" skin be your main site skin is easy - simply do the following:

  • Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin
  • Click on the "Jamroom Config" option in the left hand Admin Menu
  • Click on the "Jamroom Skins" option on the new screen that comes up
  • Click on the "Set As Active Skin" button to the right of the "Flashback" skin entry.

The Flashback Skin is now your active Jamroom Skin.

Setting the new Flashback Profile Theme to be used throughout your Jamroom by all profiles

If you would like to make all of the existing profiles in your Jamroom use the new "Flashback" Profile theme by default, simply follow this procedure:

  • Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin
  • Click on the "Install Theme" link in the left hand Master Admin Menu
  • Select "Flashback" from the list of themes that can be installed, and press "install theme".
  • Click on the "Browse Themes" option in the Admin Menu
  • Click on the "Transfer" button next to the current Profile Theme you want to transfer profiles from.
  • Select "Flashback" in the "Transfer To Theme" drop-down list and press "Transfer Accounts".  Repeat the previous step and this step for each theme you want to transfer profiles from.
  • When finished transferring all profiles that you want to transfer to the new Flashback theme, click on the "Jamroom Tools" option in the admin menu
  • Select the "Site Regenerator" option
  • Click on "Flashback" in the "Theme Name" options box
  • Click on "Regenerate" button and let Jamroom rebuild all your profile pages in the new Flashback theme.

That's it - your profiles have been rebuilt using the new "Flashback" Profile theme.

Setting the new Flashback Profile Theme to be your Jamroom Quota default

If you would liek to make sure that all new profiles signing up with your Jamroom are using the new Flashback Profile theme by default, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin
  2. Click on the "Browse Quotas" option in the master admin menu
  3. Click on the "Modify" button to the right of the Jamroom Quota you would like to set Flashback as the default
  4. Select the "Site Themes" tab along the top menu
  5. Click on "Flashback" in the "Default Theme" form box
  6. Click on "Save Changes" at the bottom of the page to save the changes to the Jamroom Quota.
  7. Repeat steps 2 - 6 for each Jamroom Quota you want to set the Flashback Profile Theme as the default.

That's it - your Jamroom Quotas have now been configured.

Allowing your Profiles to have "full" customization capabilities

By default, the Jamroom Flashback Profile Theme only allows the customization of a few elements on the Profile Page - since the Flashback theme relies heavily on graphics for much of the color layout, this prevents the profile page from being modified too heavily and breaking the "design" of the page.  If you would like to allow your users full customization capabilities (like is found in the Cobalt3 and Sage themes), you can do the following:

  • log in to your Jamroom using FTP, and go into the jamroom/themes/Flashback directory
  • "rename" the existing config_css.cfg file to cofig_css.cfg.bak
  • "rename" the config_css_full.cfg file to config_css.cfg
That's it - your users will now be able to fully customize the theme in the Jamroom customization editor (requires the Jamroom Power Pack).

Allowing your Users to select their profile "front page"

One of the unique features of the new Flashback Profile Theme is the ability to allow your users to select the page within their profile to be shown as the "main" (or index) page.  This feature requires the use of a Custom Form Field, and can be setup very easily.  Simply follow these steps to activate this feature:

  • Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin.
  • Click on the "Jamroom Config" option within the Master Admin menu.
  • Click on the "Custom Form Fields" link from the Jamroom Config screen.
  • Click on the "Artist Profile" option from the Custom From Fields screen.
  • In the "New Field" entry form, enter the following:
    • TITLE: band_default_page
    • TYPE: Select Choice
    • Save the new field by pressing the "Save Changes" button
  • After the new field has been created, the screen will refresh and you will see a new section for the custom form field you just created - "band_default_page".  Within this section you will see a line for "Choices File", with a small button to the right that says "Create File" - click the button
  • You will now be in the template editor ready to create the new choices that will be made available for this selection list.  Enter the following into the new (blank) file:
blog.php|Blog Page
info.php|Info Page
audio.php|Songs Page
video.php|Video Page
photo.php|Photos Page

  • Save the file by clicking on the "Save Template" button

You are now configured to allow your artists the ability to customize their site by selecting their front page.  When clicking on the "Modify Artist" link from the artist menu, you will now see a drop-down select list with the entries you placed in your file - selecting the page you would like for the profile front page, and saving, will now make that page the "index" page for the profile.

Enabling the Jamroom Ad Manager in the Flashback Skin

By default, the Jamroom Flashback Skin uses the {jr_html_ad} ad rotator Template Function.  If you would prefer to use the Jamroom Ad Manager to rotate your advertisements, enabling its use it easy.  This option became available with the release of the Jamroom Skin Pack version 3.2.2.
  • Make sure the Jamroom Ad Manager has been successfully installed
  • Log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin
  • Click on the "ad manager" link located in your Master Admin Menu
  • Create a new ad (or modify an existing ad), and make sure the "Ad Type" is set to "468x60" (for the top banner) or "180x150" for the small side menu banner.
  • Save your banner
That's it - when Jamroom sees that you have set the "type" for some of your banners to either 468x60 or 180x150, Jamroom will display Ads using the Jamroom Ad Manager.


1) A Valid Jamroom Skin Pack License code is required to download the Jamroom Skin Pack.

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