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Jamroom Ranking System - Spotlight Mode Index Jamroom Ranking System - User Mode

Ranking Orders

  1. Order by Item Name (alphabetical) (default)
  2. Order by Item Name (reverse alphabetical)
  3. Order by Item Cost (cheapest to most expensive)
  4. Order by Item Cost (most expensive to cheapest)
  5. Order Randomly
  6. Order by Item Created Date (oldest to newest)
  7. Order by Item Created Date (newest to oldest)
  8. Order by Store Rating Average (highest to lowest)
  9. Order by Store Rating Average (lowest to highest)
  10. Order by Store Rating Number (highest to lowest)
  11. Order by Store Rating Number (lowest to highest)
  12. Order by Store Item Comment Count (highest to lowest)
  13. Order by Store Item Comment Count (lowest to highest)


Additional Supported Parameters

In addition to the Common Function Parameters defined in the Jamroom Ranking System Guide, the "store" mode also supports the following additional parameters:

item_id  number n/a The "item_id" parameter tells Jamroom to only return the specified Item ID(s).   Multiple Item ID's may be specified either by Template array, or comma separated list.
letter string n/a If the "letter" parameter is given, then only Store Items that have an "Item Name" that begins with the given letter will be shown.
min_ratings number n/a The "min_ratings" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have at least min_ratings number of User Ratings.
max_ratings number n/a The "max_ratings" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have less then max_ratings number of User Ratings.
min_average number n/a The "min_average" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have at least a min_average User Rating average.
max_average number n/a The "max_average" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have less then max_average User Rating average.
require_image true n/a If the "require_image" parameter is given, then only Store Items that have an associated image will be shown.
location string n/a The "location" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Store Items for Artists in the given location.


Available search_area values

item_name "item_name" will search the "Item Name" (item_name database column).
item_desc "item_desc" will search the "Item Description" field (item_desc database column).
item_number "item_number" will search the "Item Number" field (item_number database column).
item_ccode "item_ccode" will search the "Item Currency Code" field (item_ccode database column) - i.e. this will be a value like "USD", "GBP", etc.
item_all_fields item_all_fields will search the item_name, item_desc, item_number and item_ccode fields.
item_???? Any Store Custom Form fields are also searchable - consult the Custom Form Fields section of your Jamroom Config for details on the search_area name to use.


Template Variables for use in the row_template

In addition to the following Template Variables, you also have access to:


{$ITEM_RANK} The numerical position on the output result set (starting at 1).
{$ITEM_ID} Jamroom Item ID for the Store Item
{$ITEM_NAME} The name of the Store Item.
{$ITEM_DESCRIPTION} The Description of the Store Item.
{$ITEM_PRICE} The cost of the Store Item.
{$ITEM_HANDLING} The Shipping and Handling Cost for the Store Item.
{$ITEM_CREATED} The 11 digit epoch time the Store Item was created.
{$ITEM_UPDATED} The 11 digit epoch time the Store Item was last updated.
{$ITEM_NUMBER} The Store Item inventory Number as entered in the Create/Modify Store Item form.
{$ITEM_EMAIL} The PayPal E-Mail Address for the Store Item.
{$ITEM_CCODE} The Currency Country Code used for the Store Item.  This will be a 3 digit Country Code such as: USD, GBP, JPY, AUD, CDN, etc.  This lines up with the 3 digit currency codes used by PayPal.
{$ITEM_IMAGE_URL} The HTML URL to use in an <img> tag to display the Store Item.
{$ITEM_PAYPAL_FORM} The HTML <form> used to create the PayPal "buy now" button

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