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Jamroom Ranking System Index Jamroom Ranking System - Common Artist Variables

Jamroom Ranking System - Common Template Variables

The following Template Variables can be used in any template (header, row or footer) that is part of the Jamroom Ranking System:

{$JAMROOM_DIR} The path on your server to your Jamroom Directory.
{$JAMROOM_URL} The full URL to your Jamroom (i.e. http://yoursite.com/jamroom). Note that there is no trailing slash.
{$RANK_MODE} The "mode" parameter given to the Jamroom Ranking System (i.e. "band", "song", etc.)
{$RANK_ORDER} The "order" parameter given to the Jamroom Ranking System (i.e. "5")
{$PAGEBREAK} If a "pagebreak" parameter is given, this will be the number of returned rows per per page.
{$PAGENUM} In a multi-page result set, this will be set to the current page number.
{$TOTAL_PAGES} The total number of pages in a result set.
{$_PAGES} A numerically keyed array of each page number in the result set - this can be used in a template {foreach} loop if you need to do processing on a per-page basis.
{$NEXT_PAGE_NUM} In a multi-page result set, this will be set to the page number for the next page in the result set.  This value will be empty if you are on the last page of a result set.
{$PREV_PAGE_NUM} In a multi-page result set, this will be set to the page number for the previous page in the result set.  This value will be empty if you are on the first page of a result set.
{$NEXT_PAGE_URL} This variable will contain the URL used in the "next page" link to generate the next page in a result set.  This value will be empty on the last page of a result.
{$PREV_PAGE_URL} This variable will contain the URL used in the "previous page" link to generate the previous page in a result set.  This value will be empty on the first page of a result set.
{$RANK_COUNT} The total number of results in the result set.
{$SKIN_DIR} The full path to the currently Active Jamroom Skin directory
{$SKIN_URL} The full URL to the currently Active Jamroom Skin directory - i.e. http://yoursite.com/jamroom/skins/Cobalt3
{$system_name} The name of your Jamroom System as entered in the Jamroom Config -> System Settings section.
{$page_next}  The "Next Page" text string as entered into the Jamroom Config -> Chart and Rank Settings.
{$page_prev}  The "Previous Page" text string as entered into the Jamroom Config -> Chart and Rank Settings.
{$ip_address}  The IP Address of the user viewing the Ranking System output
{$epoch_time}  The time the Ranking System generated the output, shown as the 11 digit "epoch" time (use with a jr_date_format variable modifier to display formatted date).
{$google_analytics_id}  The value of the Google Analytics ID as entered in the Jamroom Config -> System Settings section.
{$index_template}  The name of the Active Jamroom Skin - i.e. "Cobalt3".


Tip: ALL of the columns that are available in the jamroom_settings and jamroom_signup tables are also "exported" into the templates for your use.

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