The numerical value of its placement in the result set from the Jamroom Ranking System. |
URL to Members page |
the numeric Jamroom ID of the member (i.e. “5”) |
date member was created (EPOCH) (i.e. 1059951557) |
date member was created formatted according to $config[date1] |
date member was created formatted according to $config[date2] |
date member was created formatted according to $config[date3] |
Name of the Member |
The “URL” name for the Member. |
The member biography |
The Members location (as entered in Modify Member) |
Contains URL to generate the Member image - for use in the SRC section of an <img> tag |
This variable will be set to "yes" if the member has set their profile to be a "Private Profile". It will be empty or set to "no" if the Profile is not private. |
Epoch time Member Image was created. |
Name of Member Image as originally uploaded (i.e. image_name.jpg) |
Mime Type of image (i.e. image/pjpeg) |
Size in Bytes of Member Image |
File name extension of Member Image (i.e. png) |
URL to rating.php script to generate Member Rating Form. |
Number of times Member has been rated |
Average Rating of Member |
Number of “1” votes the Member has received. |
Number of “2” votes the Member has received. |
Number of “3” votes the Member has received. |
Number of “4” votes the Member has received. |
Number of “5” votes the Member has received. |
If the Member Profile is currently subscribed to a Jamroom Quota, the epoch time that the Subscription ends will be stored in this variable. |
The number of comments for the Member. |
This variable will be set to "yes" if the Member has elected to Share their Friends. |
The number of friends the Member has. |
The {$BAND_THEMEDIR} will contain the name of the Profile Theme the Member is using on their profile (i.e. "Cobalt3") |
{$BAND_?????} |
If you have created any Custom Form Fields in the Artist Profile, your Custom Form fields will be made available in the templates. For example, if you have created a Custom Form field called band_producer, then in the row_template you could used {$BAND_PRODUCER} to access the contents of the Custom Field. |
Numerical ID of the server the Member Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server) |
IP Address of the server the Member Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server) |
Server Name as defined in Create/Modify Server that the Member Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server) |
URL to Jamroom Cluster Server the Member Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server) |