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This document applies to Jamroom 2 only!
For current Jamroom 4 Documentation, visit the main Jamroom Documentation section.

Jamroom is distributed under 2 licenses:

Shareware License

The "Shareware" version of Jamroom is the free version of Jamroom that can be freely downloaded from Jamroom.net.  The Shareware version of Jamroom can be used for free, in a non-commercial* nature, for as long as you would like.  You are encouraged to "share" Jamroom with your friends so they too can see how easy Jamroom makes running an Artist site.
  • The Shareware License is limited to creating 5 Artist Accounts.
  • The Shareware License does not include access to the Jamroom Bonus Pack.

Commercial License

The Jamroom Commercial License allows for:

  • The support of more Artist Accounts (25, 100 or Unlimited).
  • Gains you access to the Jamroom Bonus Pack.
  • The Commercial license allows Jamroom to be used on a single Internet domain name.
  • The Commercial License grants you the right to modify the Jamroom source code in any way necessary for use on your domain.
To purchase a Commercial license, visit the Jamroom.net Online Store.

* "non-commercial" means you do not charge for access to your Jamroom Site, and you are an "individual" user or Artist.  Companies and individuals interested in using Jamroom as part of a commercial venture must purchase a Commercial License.
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