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Profile Variables - Artist Templates Index Profile Variables - Calendar Templates

Message Information Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_CREATED1} date the message author was created formatted to $config[date1]
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_CREATED2} date the message author was created formatted to $config[date2]
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_CREATED3} date the message author was created formatted to $config[date3]
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_EMAIL} email address of the message author
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_ID} the message author User ID number (i.e. 5)
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_GROUPID} the Group ID number of the message author
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_IM} the message author Instant Message number, from text box
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_NAME} the message authors Full Name
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_NICK} the message authors User Name
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_UPDATED1} date the message author was updated formatted to $config[date1]
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_UPDATED2} date the message author was updated formatted to $config[date2]
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_UPDATED3} date the message author was updated formatted to $config[date3]
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_WWW} the message authors website address, from text box
{$MESSAGE_DATE1} the date the message was created formatted to $config[date1]
{$MESSAGE_DATE2} the date the message was created formatted to $config[date2]
{$MESSAGE_DATE3} the date the message was created formatted to $config[date3]
{$MESSAGE_ID} the numerical ID number of the message
{$MESSAGE_COUNT} Total number of messages for this Artist on their Artist Page.
{$MESSAGE_NUMBER} the numeric ORDER that this message is in on the output HTML
{$MESSAGE_TITLE} the title of the message
{$MESSAGE_CATEGORY} the category of the message (if enabled - blank if disabled)
{$MESSAGE_TEXT} the actual text of the message
{$MESSAGE_TEXT_WORDS} The number of words in the message body
{$MESSAGE_MORE_TEXT} the actual text of the message more section
{$MESSAGE_MORE_LINK} the URL link to the message more page (i.e. Read More...)
{$MESSAGE_MORE_POPUP} the URL link to the Java Popup window for the message more page (i.e. Read More...)
{$MESSAGE_UPDATE1} the date the message was updated formatted to $config[date1]
{$MESSAGE_UPDATE2} the date the message was updated formatted to $config[date2]
{$MESSAGE_UPDATE3} the date the message was updated formatted to $config[date3]
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_NICK_FILE_NAME} The Message Author nickname, formatted to link to the {MESSAGE_AUTHOR_NICK} Output File Name Variable.
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_IM_FILE_NAME} The Message Author IM Number, formatted to link to the {MESSAGE_AUTHOR_IM} Output File Name Variable.
{$MESSAGE_CATEGORY_FILE_NAME) The Message Category formatted to link to the {MESSAGE_CATEGORY} Output File Name Variable.

Message Comment Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$MESSAGE_COMMENT_FORM} This variable will produce the URL necessary to launch the comment.php script.
NOTE: the “template” option must be passed to this variable for it to work correctly - i.e. “{MESSAGE_COMMENT_FORM}&template=add_comment.tpl”
{$MESSAGE_COMMENTS_URL} This variable will produce the URL necessary to view the comments that have been left for the message.
NOTE: the “template” option must be passed to this variable for it to work correctly - i.e. “{MESSAGE_COMMENTS_URL}&template=view_comments.tpl”
{$MESSAGE_COMMENT_COUNT} The number of comments that have been left for the message. Will be set to 0 if no comments have been left.

Message Output File Name Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$MESSAGE_ID} the numerical ID number of the message
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_ID} the message author User ID number (i.e. 5)
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_GROUPID} the Group ID number of the message author
{$MESSAGE_CATEGORY} the category of the message (if enabled - blank if disabled)
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_NICK} the message authors User Name
{$MESSAGE_AUTHOR_IM} the message author Instant Message number, from text box

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