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Jamroom 4 Profile Theme Designer Guide Index Profile Variables - Blog Templates

Artist / Member Profile Theme Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$BAND_ID} The artist’s internal Jamroom ID number
{$BAND_URL} URL that can used for linking to the band i.e: http://server/jamroom/bands/1
{$BAND_URL_NAME} If you allow Artists to define their own URL Name in your jamroom, this will contain the text they place into the Artist URL name on the Modify Artist form.
{$ARTIST_URL} URL that can used for linking to the band i.e: http://server/jamroom/bands/1
{$BAND_DATE1} Date artist was created, formatted to $config[date1]
{$BAND_DATE2} Date artist was created, formatted to $config[date2]
{$BAND_DATE3} Date artist was created, formatted to $config[date3]
{$BAND_NAME} the name of the artist as entered in the text box
{$BAND_NAME_UPPER} the name of the artist, all UPPER case
{$BAND_NAME_LOWER} the name of the artist, all lower case
{$BAND_MEMBERS} text from Artist Members text box
{$BAND_LOCATION} text from Artist Location text box
{$BAND_WEBSITE} the text entered in the “website” text box
{$BAND_STORY} the text entered in the “background/Story” text box
{$BAND_INFLUENCE} the text entered in the “influences” text box
{$BAND_SOUNDLIKE} the text entered in the “sounds like” text box
{$BAND_QUOTA} the numerical ID of this artists Quota
{$BAND_CONTACT_FORM} This variable will contain the correct URL for linking to the Jamroom Artist Contact form. Use it in an href anchor tag - i.e.
<a href="{BAND_CONTACT_FORM}" target="_blank">Click Here to send this Artist a message!</a>
{$PLAYALL_HIFI_MP3} Creates the necessary URL to the Jamroom play.php script to play all of the Artist's HIFI MP3 songs.
{$PLAYALL_HIFI_WMA} Creates the necessary URL to the Jamroom play.php script to play all of the Artist's HIFI WMA songs.
{$PLAYALL_HIFI_OGG} Creates the necessary URL to the Jamroom play.php script to play all of the Artist's HIFI OGG songs.
{$PLAYALL_LOFI_MP3} Creates the necessary URL to the Jamroom play.php script to play all of the Artist's LOFI MP3 songs.
{$PLAYALL_LOFI_WMA} Creates the necessary URL to the Jamroom play.php script to play all of the Artist's LOFI WMA songs.
{$PLAYALL_LOFI_OGG} Creates the necessary URL to the Jamroom play.php script to play all of the Artist's LOFI OGG songs.

Artist / Member Server Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$BAND_SERVER_ID} Jamroom Cluster Server ID for artist (always 0 unless Cluster Server option is installed and Artist Account is NOT located on Master Server)
{$BAND_SERVER_URL} Jamroom Cluster Server URL
{$BAND_SERVER_PATH} Jamroom Cluster Server directory path on Cluster Server.
{$BAND_SERVER_NAME} Jamroom Cluster Server name

Artist / Member Image Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$BAND_IMAGE} link for getting band image - i.e: http://server/jamroom/image.php?band_id=1&mode=band_image
{$BAND_IMAGE_URL} (same as {BAND_IMAGE}) link for getting band image - i.e: http://server/jamroom/image.php?band_id=1&mode=band_image
{$BAND_IMAGE_GD} link for showing the band image, and having it resized via Jamroom’s built-in GD functions 1) i.e: http://server/jamroom/image.php?band_id=1&mode=band_image&width=xxx&height=xxx
{$BAND_IMAGE_NAME} name of band image (i.e. picture1.jpg)
{$BAND_IMAGE_TYPE} band image MIME type (i.e. image/jpeg)
{$BAND_IMAGE_SIZE} size (in bytes) of the band image
{$BAND_IMAGE_EXTENSION} This will be the 3 letter extension of the file name - i.e. “jpg”

Artist / Member Counts Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$BAND_TOTAL_COUNT} The total number of streams + downloads for this band - note that this is a DYNAMIC counter and creates a PHP link to the counter.php script.
{$BAND_TOTAL_STREAM} The total number of streams for this band - note that this is a DYNAMIC counter and creates a PHP link to the counter.php script.
{$BAND_TOTAL_DOWNLOAD} The total number of downloads for this band - note that this is a DYNAMIC counter and creates a PHP link to the counter.php script.
{$BAND_TODAY_COUNT} The total number of streams + downloads for this band for the CURRENT day - note that this is a DYNAMIC counter and creates a PHP link to the counter.php script.
{$BAND_TODAY_STREAM} The total number of streams for this band for the CURRENT day - note that this is a DYNAMIC counter and creates a PHP link to the counter.php script.
{$BAND_TODAY_DOWNLOAD} The total number of downloads for this band for the CURRENT day - note that this is a DYNAMIC counter and creates a PHP link to the counter.php script.

Artist / Member Rating Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$BAND_RATING_FORM} This creates a URL link to the rating.php form for this artist - i.e: rating.php?mode=rate_band&amp;band_id=(band_id)
{$BAND_RATING_AVG} The average of the artist rating values - i.e. “3.24”, or “0” if no rating given yet.
{$BAND_RATING_NUM} The number of ratings this artist has received so far.

Artist / Member Quota Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$QUOTA_DISK} The Amount of disk space allocated to this artist.
{$QUOTA_MAX} The number of song slots allocated to the artist (default 0).
{$QUOTA_SONGS} yes/no if the artist is allowed to upload song files.
{$QUOTA_MESSAGE} yes/no if the artist has messages enabled in their quota.
{$QUOTA_RANK} yes/no if the artist can be in Jamroom Ranking System output.
{$QUOTA_SPOT} yes/no if the artist can be “spotlighted” in the Jamroom Ranking System.
{$QUOTA_SEARCH} yes/no if the artist can be found in the Jamroom Search.
{$QUOTA_RADIO} yes/no if the artist is allowed to create Radio Stations.
{$QUOTA_BASIC_STATS} yes/no if the artist can view Basic Stats.
{$QUOTA_ADV_STATS} yes/no if the artist can view Advanced Stats.
{$QUOTA_DEEP} yes/no if the artist is allowed to Deep Link.
{$QUOTA_STORE} yes/no if the artist is allowed to have a Jamroom Store.
{$QUOTA_RATE} yes/no if the artist is allowed to be rated.
{$QUOTA_REMRATE} yes/no if the artist is allowed to be remotely rated.
{$QUOTA_CALENDAR} yes/no if the artist is allowed to have a calendar.
{$QUOTA_PHOTOS} yes/no if the artist is allowed to have a photo gallery.
{$QUOTA_GUESTBOOK} yes/no if the artist is allowed to have a guest book.
{$QUOTA_COMMENTS} yes/no if the artist is allowed to receive artist and/or song comments.

Artist / Members Comment and Guestbook Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$BAND_COMMENT_FORM} This variable will produce the URL necessary to lanch the comment.php script.
NOTE: the “template” option must be passed to this variable for it to work correctly - i.e. “{BAND_COMMENT_FORM}&template=add_comment.tpl”
{$BAND_COMMENTS_URL} This variable will produce the URL necessary to view the comments that have been left for the song.
NOTE: the “template” option must be passed to this variable for it to work correctly - i.e. “{BAND_COMMENTS_URL}&template=view_comments.tpl”
{$BAND_COMMENT_COUNT} The number of comments that have been left for the Artist. Will be set to 0 if no comments have been left.
{$BAND_GUESTBOOK_FORM} This variable will produce the URL necessary to lanch the guestbook.php script.
NOTE: the “template” option must be passed to this variable for it to work correctly - i.e. “{BAND_GUESTBOOK_FORM}&template=add_comment.tpl”
{$BAND_GUESTBOOK_URL} This variable will produce the URL necessary to view the guestbok entries that have been left for an artist.
NOTE: the “template” option must be passed to this variable for it to work correctly - i.e. “{BAND_GUESTBOOK_URL}&template=view_comments.tpl”
{$BAND_GUESTBOOK_COUNT} The number of guestbook entries that have been left for the Artist. Will be set to 0 if no entries have been left.
1) Note that this will also allow the image to be “cached” for higher performance on subsequent requests

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