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Introduction - Who should develop a Jamroom Module? Index Required Module File: include.php

Jamroom Module Structure

The first step in creating a new Jamroom Module is to understand the proper file and directory structure for the module.  All Jamroom add-on modules will be found in the "modules" directory within your Jamroom directory.

For example, if your Jamroom was installed in the:


directory, the Jamroom modules would be installed in:


EACH module must have it's own directory inside the /modules directory.

As an example, in this guide we will be creating a small Jamroom Module that will allow user's to add YouTube videos to their profile.  This module will be called "jrYouTube".

So for our example, our module would be located at:


It is HIGHLY recommended that you use a 2 letter "prefix" for your module name to ensure it is unique.  We use "jr", so you'll want to use something else ;)

Within the module directory there are several other files and directories - some required, and some optional.  The following files and directories would be located INSIDE your module directory (i.e. /home/jamroom/public_html/modules/jrYouTube):

  • include.php - this is the main "includer" for the module and is required.  If your module does not have a include.php script within, Jamroom will ignore the module as if it does not exist.
  • quota.php - (optional) The quota.php script defines settings that can be adjusted and set on a per Jamroom Quota basis for your modules.
  • schema.php (optional) If your module creates a Jamroom database table, the schema.php script is where the database table definitions reside, and includes the main function that is run for the module when the user runs a Jamroom Integrity Check.
  • theme.php - (optional) If your module creates an item that can be used in a Profile Theme, the theme.php script gives you control over that items "loop" when the Profile Theme is being generated.
  • image.php - (optional) If your module saves images uploaded by the user, the image.php script is used to integrate the image display with Jamroom's image.php script.
  • cp/ - (directory, optional) - the cp directory will contain any Control Panel interface PHP scripts that generate "sections" in the Jamroom Control Panel.
  • include/ - (directory, optional) - the include directory is where you would want to store any PHP function libraries or classes for use in your module.
  • language/ - (directory, optional) - If your module provides a Control Panel interface, the custom language strings for your module would be found in the language directory.
  • ranking/ - (directory, optional) - Any custom Jamroom Ranking System plugins will be located here.
  • smarty/ (directory, optional) - Any custom Smarty (Jamroom templates) functions, blocks and modifiers would be located here.

Each of these scripts and directories will be covered in detail on the following pages.


Introduction - Who should develop a Jamroom Module? Introduction - Who should develop a Jamroom Module? page 2 of 23 Required Module File: include.php Required Module File: include.php
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