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Video Mode Index Jamroom Advanced Charts


The "video_spotlight" mode to the Jamroom Ranking System is a special mode that works a bit different then the other Jamroom Ranking System "modes",  Some things to note:

  • The "video_spotlight" mode is a Video mode - it spotlights Videos in your Jamroom - not Artists.  if you have zero videos in your Jamroom, the video_spotlight mode will not work.
  • There are some settings in the Jamroom Config -> Chart and Rank Settings section that impact how the "spotlight" selects videos for the spotlight:
    • Spotlight Images - if this is set to "yes", then only videos that have an associated Video Image will be eligible for Spotlighting.
    • Spotlight Method - The Spotlight Method tells Jamroom how you want the spotlighted videos to be "rotated".

If you have A LOT of videos in your Jamroom, using the "video_spotlight" mode can have some advantages over using the "video" mode:

  • The spotlight mode is "pre cached" and will typically give better performance on large systems then the "video" mode
  • The spotlight mode can "weight" the videos and display them in a "fairer" way then using the "video" mode in Random order.

Ranking Orders

 Ranking Orders are not used by the video_spotlight mode.

Additional Supported Parameters

In addition to the Common Function Parameters defined in the Jamroom Ranking System Guide, the "video_spotlight" mode also supports the following additional parameters:

video_id  number n/a The "video_id" parameter tells Jamroom to only return the specified Video ID(s).   Multiple Video ID's may be specified either by Template array, or comma separated list.
genre string n/a The "genre" parameter tells Jamroom to return only videos that match the given genre(s).  Multiple Genres may be given as an array.
show number 1 By default the Jamroom Video "spotlight" mode spotlights a single video - you can have Jamroom return more then 1 video by setting the "show" to a numeric value greater then 1.


Available search_area values

 search_areas are not used by the video_spotlight mode.

Template Variables for use in the row_template

In addition to the following Template Variables, you also have access to:


{$VIDEO_RANK} The numerical position on the output result set (starting at 1).
{$VIDEO_ID} Jamroom Video ID for the Video
{$VIDEO_NAME} The name of the Video
{$VIDEO_ALBUM} The name of the Album the Video belongs to.
{$VIDEO_CAPTION} The text from the Video Caption form entry.
{$VIDEO_CREATED} The 11 digit epoch time the Video was created.
{$VIDEO_UPDATED} The 11 digit epoch time the Video was last updated.
{$VIDEO_SIZE} The size (in bytes) of the Video File
{$VIDEO_FILENAME} The File Name of the Video File
{$VIDEO_EXTENSION} The Filename Extension of the Video File (i.e. "wmv").
{$VIDEO_BITRATE} The encoding Bit Rate of the Video File
{$VIDEO_RESOLUTION} The resolution in WIDTHxHEIGHT of the Video File
{$VIDEO_LENGTH} The Length of the Video File in MM:SS format
{$VIDEO_CREDITS} The text from the "Video Credits" field.
{$VIDEO_ADVISE} Will be set to "yes" if the Video has been set as having Explicit Content.
{$VIDEO_LICENSE} The text from the "Video License" field.
{$VIDEO_GENRE} The Genre the Song belongs to.
{$VIDEO_IMAGE_URL} The HTML URL to use in an <img> tag to display the Song photo.
{$VIDEO_MIMETYPE} The File Mime Type for the Video File
{$VIDEO_RATING_FORM_URL} The HTML <form> used to provide a Rating Form so users can rate the Video.  This contains the HTML that is used in the "action" part of the Rating form.
{$VIDEO_COMMENT_COUNT} The number of comments/reviews that are associated with the Video.

Video Mode page 76 of 171 Jamroom Advanced Charts
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