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Ranking Orders

  1. Order by Vault Name (alphabetical) (default)
  2. Order by Vault Name (reverse alphabetical)
  3. Order by Vault Price (lowest to highest)
  4. Order by Vault Price (highest to lowest)
  5. Order Randomly
  6. Order by Vault Date Created (oldest to newest)
  7. Order by Vault Date Created (newest to oldest)
  8. Order by Number of Vault Sales (highest to lowest)
  9. Order by Number of Vault Sales (lowest to highest)
  10. Order by Vault Item Rating Average (highest to lowest)
  11. Order by Vault Item Rating Average (lowest to highest)
  12. Order by Vault Item Rating Number (highest to lowest)
  13. Order by Vault Item Rating Number (lowest to highest)
  14. Order by Vault Item Comment Count (highest to lowest)
  15. Order by Vault Item Comment Count (lowest to highest)


Additional Supported Parameters

In addition to the Common Function Parameters defined in the Jamroom Ranking System Guide, the "vault" mode also supports the following additional parameters:

vault_id  number n/a The "vault_id" parameter tells Jamroom to only return the specified Vault ID(s).   Multiple Vault ID's may be specified either by Template array, or comma separated list.
letter string n/a If the "letter" parameter is given, then only Vault Items that have an "Item Name" that begins with the given letter will be shown.
category string n/a If the "category" parameter is given, then only Vault Items in the given category will be displayed.
file_type string n/a If the "file_type" parameter is given, then only Vault Items with a file extension that matches will be shown (i.e. "mp3" would only return Vault Items that had a .mp3 extension).
min_ratings number n/a The "min_ratings" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have at least min_ratings number of User Ratings.
max_ratings number n/a The "max_ratings" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have less then max_ratings number of User Ratings.
min_average number n/a The "min_average" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have at least a min_average User Rating average.
max_average number n/a The "max_average" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Items that have less then max_average User Rating average.
require_image true n/a If the "require_image" parameter is given, then only Vault Items that have an associated image will be shown.
location string n/a The "location" parameter tells Jamroom to only return Vault Items for Artists in the given location.
no_media true n/a If the "no_media" parameter is set, then only Vault Items that are NOT attached to a Song, Video, Photo or Event will be returned.  This means only Vault Items that have been created in the "General Vault" will show.
media_only true n/a If the "media_only" parameter is set, then only Vault Items that ARE linked to a Song, Video, Photo or Event will be shown.  This is the opposite of the "no_media" parameter.


Available search_area values

vault_name "vault_name" will search the Vault Item Name field (vault_name database column).
vault_desc "vault_desc" will search the Vault Item Description field (vault_desc database column).
vault_tag "vault_tag" will search the Vault Item Category (Tag) field (vault_tag database column).
vault_filename "vault_filename" will search the filename field - this is the actual "name" of the File that has been uploaded as the Vault File.
vault_extension "vault_extension" will search the vault filename, and return files that match the given extension - i.e. "mp3".
vault_license "vault_license" will search the Vault Item License field (vault_license database column).
vault_currency "vault_currency" will search the Vault Currency Code field (vault_currency database column) - this will be set to a 3 digit country currency code - i.e. "USD", "GBP", etc.
vault_price "vault_price" will search the Vault Price field (vault_price database column)
vault_linked "vault_linked" will search the vault_linked database column
vault_stocked "vault_stocked" will search the vault_stocked database column
vault_stock_sold "vault_stock_sold" will search the vault_stock_sold database column
vault_all_fields vault_all_fields will search the vault_name, vault_desc, vault_tag, vault_filename, vault_extension, vault_license and vault_currency fields.
vault_???? Any Vault Item Custom Form fields are also searchable - consult the Custom Form Fields section of your Jamroom Config for details on the search_area name to use.


Template Variables for use in the row_template

In addition to the following Template Variables, you also have access to:


{$VAULT_RANK} The numerical position on the output result set (starting at 1).
{$VAULT_ID} Jamroom Item ID for the Vault Item
{$VAULT_NAME} The name of the Vault Item.
{$VAULT_DESCRIPTION} The Description of the Vault Item.
{$VAULT_PRICE} The cost of the Vault Item.
{$VAULT_STOCKED} If the Vault Item is limited in sale quantities, then the {$VAULT_STOCKED} will represent how many Vault Items are stocked for purchase.
{$VAULT_STOCK_LEFT} If the Vault Item is limited in sale quantities, then the {$VAULT_STOCK_LEFT} will represent how many Vault Items are available to be purchased.
{$VAULT_STOCK_SOLD} If the Vault Item is limited in sale quantities, then the {$VAULT_STOCK_SOLD} will represent how many Vault Items have been sold.
{$VAULT_TAG} The Category (Tag) of the Vault Item
{$VAULT_CREATED} The 11 digit epoch time the Vault Item was created.
{$VAULT_UPDATED} The 11 digit epoch time the Vault Item was last updated.
{$VAULT_SIZE} The size in bytes of the Vault file
{$VAULT_FILENAME} The name of the Vault File
{$VAULT_EXTENSION} The filename extension of the Vault File - i.e. "mp3" if the file that is attached to the Vault Item is a MP3 file.
{$VAULT_TYPE} The Mime Type of the Vault File
{$VAULT_LICENSE} The License for the Vault File
{$VAULT_CART_ADD_URL} HTML URL used for adding the Vault Item to the Users Cart
{$VAULT_DOWNLOAD_URL} If the Vault Item is FREE, {$VAULT_DOWNLOAD_URL} will contain the download URL for the User to download the Vault File.
{$VAULT_IMAGE_URL} HTML URL used to generate the Vault Image URL - used within the SRC attribute to a IMG HTML tag.
{$VAULT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL} HTML Entity for Currency Symbol that reflects the Vault Currency as set in the Jamroom Config -> Payment Settings.
{$VAULT_COMMENT_COUNT} The number of Comments / Reviews for the Vault Item.

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