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Ranking Orders

  1. Order by Artist Name alphabetically
  2. Order by Artist Join Date (oldest to newest)
  3. Order by Artist Join Date (newest to oldest)
  4. Order by Total Audio Streams for Artist (highest to lowest)
  5. Order by Total Audio Plays (Streams + Downloads) for Artist (highest to lowest)
  6. Order by Artist Location, alphabetically (will not include Artist's with an empty location)
  7. Order by Artist Rating Count (highest to lowest)
  8. Order by Artist Rating Count (lowest to highest)
  9. Order by Artist Rating Average (highest to lowest)
  10. Order by Artist Rating Average (lowest to highest)
  11. Order Artists Randomly
  12. Order by Total Audio Downloads for Artist (highest to lowest)
  13. Order by Total Audio Streams for Artist (lowest to highest)
  14. Order by Total Audio Plays (Streams + Downloads) for Artist (lowest to highest)
  15. Order by Total Audio Downloads for Artist (lowest to highest)
  16. Order by Total Video Streams for Artist (highest to lowest)
  17. Order by Total Video Downloads for Artist (highest to lowest)
  18. Order by Total Video Plays (Streams + Downloads) for Artist (highest to lowest)
  19. Order by Total Video Streams for Artist (lowest to highest)
  20. Order by Total Video Downloads for Artist (lowest to highest)
  21. Order by Total Video Plays (Streams + Downloads) for Artist (lowest to highest)
  22. Order by Artist Genre, alphabetically (will not include empty genre's)
  23. Order by number of Fans (highest to lowest)
  24. Order by number of Fans (lowest to highest)
  25. Order by number of Artist Comments (highest to lowest)
  26. Order by number of Artist Comments (lowest to highest)


Additional Supported Parameters

In addition to the Common Function Parameters defined in the Jamroom Ranking System Guide, the "artist" mode also supports the following additional parameters:

genre  string n/a If the "genre" parameter is given, the Jamroom will only show Artist Profiles that have set their Artist Genre (band_soundlike) field to the specified Genre.
letter string n/a If the "letter" parameter is given, then only Artist Profiles where the Artist Name begins with the letter given will be shown.
location string n/a If the "location" parameter is given, then only Artist Profiles that are located in the specified location will be shown.
show_members true n/a If the "show_members" parameter is set to any value, then "Member" profiles will be included in the results.  By default the "band" mode does not list Member Profiles.
require_image true n/a If the "require_image" parameter is set, then only Profiles that have an Artist / Member image will be shown.
min_ratings number n/a If the min_ratings parameter is given, then only Profiles that have more then the min_ratings number of ratings will be shown.
max_ratings number n/a If the max_ratings parameter is given, then only Profiles that have less then the max_ratings number of ratings will be shown.
min_average number n/a If the min_average parameter is given, then only Profiles that have a higher rating average then the min_average will be shown.
max_average number n/a If the max_average parameter is given, then only Profiles that have a lower rating average then the max_average will be shown.


Available search_area values

band_name "band_name" will search the Artist Name (band_name database column).
band_members "band_members" will search the Artist Members (band_members database column).
band_story "band_story" will search the Artist Biography (band_story database column).
band_influence "band_influence" will search the Artist Influences (band_influence database column)
band_soundlike "band_soundlike" will search the Artist Genre (band_soundlike database column)
band_location "band_location" will search the Artist Location (band_location database column).
artist_all_fields artist_all_fields will search the band_name, band_members, band_story, band_influence, band_soundlike and band_location fields.
band_???? Any Artist Custom Form fields are also searchable - consult the Custom Form Fields section of your Jamroom Config for details on the search_area name to use.


Template Variables available in the row_template

In addition to the following Template Variables, you also have access to:

{$ARTIST_COUNT} The number of Artists shown in the results.
{$ARTIST_URL} URL to Artist’s page
{$BAND_ID} the numeric Jamroom ID of the artist (i.e. “5”)
{$BAND_CREATED} date artist was created (EPOCH) (i.e. 1059951557)
{$BAND_DATE1} date artist was created formatted according to $config[date1]
{$BAND_DATE2} date artist was created formatted according to $config[date2]
{$BAND_DATE3} date artist was created formatted according to $config[date3]
{$BAND_NAME} Name of the artist
{$BAND_URL_NAME} The “URL” name for the Artist, as entered on the Create/Modify Artist form.
{$BAND_GENRE} If you are using Jamroom Artist Genres, the {$BAND_GENRE} variable will contain the Artist Genre
{$BAND_INFO} The artists background information
{$BAND_RANK} The numerical value of its placement in the result set from the Jamroom Ranking System.
{$BAND_LOCATION} The artists location (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_WEBSITE} The artists website (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_INFLUENCE} the Artist’s Influences (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_SOUNDLIKE} What the Artist Sounds Like (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_IMAGE_URL} Contains URL to generate the Artist image - for use in the SRC section of an <img> tag
{$BAND_PRIVATE} This variable will be set to "yes" if the Artist has set their profile to be a "Private Profile".  It will be empty or set to "no" if the Profile is not private.
{$BAND_IMAGE_TIME} Epoch time Artist Image was created.
{$BAND_IMAGE_NAME} Name of Artist Image as originally uploaded (i.e. image_name.jpg)
{$BAND_IMAGE_TYPE} Mime Type of image (i.e. image/pjpeg)
{$BAND_IMAGE_SIZE} Size in Bytes of Artist Image
{$BAND_IMAGE_EXTENSION} File name extension of Artist Image (i.e. png)
{$BAND_STREAM_COUNT} Total number of streaming plays for this artists songs
{$BAND_DOWNLOAD_COUNT} Total number of download plays for this artists songs
{$BAND_TOTAL_COUNT} Total number of streaming + download plays for this artists songs
{$BAND_HIFI_SCOUNT} Total number of HIFI Audio Stream plays.
{$BAND_LOFI_SCOUNT} Total number of LOFI Audio Stream plays.
{$BAND_HIFI_DCOUNT} Total number of HIFI Audio Downloads for the Artist.
{$BAND_LOFI_DCOUNT} Total number of LOFI Audio Downloads for the Artist.
{$BAND_SPOT_COUNT} Total number of times the Artist's songs have been viewed via the "spotlight" mode.
{$BAND_VIDEO_SCOUNT} Total number of Video Stream plays.
{$BAND_VIDEO_DCOUNT} Total number of Video Downloads for the Artist.
{$BAND_VIDEO_SPOT} Total number of times the Artist's videos have been viewed via the "video_spotlight" mode.
{$BAND_RATING_FORM_URL} URL to rating.php script to generate Band Rating Form.
{$BAND_RATING_NUMBER} Number of times Artist has been rated
{$BAND_RATING_AVERAGE} Average Rating of Artist
{$BAND_RATING_1} Number of “1” votes the Artist has received.
{$BAND_RATING_2} Number of “2” votes the Artist has received.
{$BAND_RATING_3} Number of “3” votes the Artist has received.
{$BAND_RATING_4} Number of “4” votes the Artist has received.
{$BAND_RATING_5} Number of “5” votes the Artist has received.
{$BAND_PAYMENT_EMAIL} If you have the Jamroom Payment Pack installed, this field will be set to the Artist's Payout Email Address.
{$BAND_PAYOUT_TIME} If you have the Jamroom Payment Pack installed, this field will be set to the Epoch time the Artist was last paid via a Jamroom Quota Payout.  It will be set to 0 (zero) if the artist has never been paid.
{$BAND_BALANCE} If you have the Jamroom Payment pack installed, the {$BAND_BALANCE} variable will contain the amount of money the artist currently has on balance, waiting for payout.
{$BAND_SUBSCRIBE_END} If the Artist Profile is currently subscribed to a Jamroom Quota, the epoch time that the Subscription ends will be stored in this variable.
{$BAND_COMMENT_COUNT} The number of comments for the Artist.
{$BAND_SHARE_FANS} This variable will be set to "yes" if the Artist has elected to Share their Fans.
{$BAND_FAN_COUNT} The number of fans the Artist has.
{$BAND_THEMEDIR} The {$BAND_THEMEDIR} will contain the name of the Profile Theme the artist is using on their profile (i.e. "Cobalt3")
{$BAND_?????} If you have created any Custom Form Fields in the Artist Profile, your Custom Form fields will be made available in the templates.  For example, if you have created a Custom Form field called band_producer, then in the row_template you could used {$BAND_PRODUCER} to access the contents of the Custom Field.
{$SERVER_ID} Numerical ID of the server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_IP} IP Address of the server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_NAME} Server Name as defined in Create/Modify Server that the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_URL} URL to Jamroom Cluster Server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)

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