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The {jr_url} Template Function is used for creating URLs within a Jamroom template that need to be handled by Jamroom's SEO URL functions.  This function will generate the proper Jamroom URLs depending on whether the Jamroom site has enabled the Jamroom SefJam (search engine friendly URLs) function.


Generated URL Structure:

It is important when using the {jr_url} Template Function to understand the "structure" of the generated URL - that way you know which parameter to manipulate to get the desired result.  The structure of a generated URL is:


Values within parenthesis ()'s are REQUIRED, where as values within brackets []'s are optional.  For more details on the types of URLs changing these parameters will produce, make sure and check out the example URLs below.



Name Type Required Default Description
seftype string yes n/a The "seftype" parameter is used for defining the "type" of URL this will be.  There is one special keyword - "profile", that tells Jamroom the URL that is being generated is a URL within a PROFILE template.  This ensures Jamroom creates the URL relative to the profile's directory, and uses the profile name in the URL.  If seftype is set to "profile", then the "sefprofile" parameter is REQUIRED.  If the seftype parameter is set to anything besides "profile", it will be used as the first part of the generated URL.  If seftype is set to "profile", then the profile's URL NAME will be used.
seftag string no n/a

The "seftag" parameter is a special parameter that "links" the given tag to a value in the Jamroom Skin's SEF Config file.  The Sef Config file can be used to "mask" long URLs with a given "seftag" - in other words, multiple (or single) URL parameters can be replaced with a given "seftag", allowing you to make the URL much shorter and more SEO friendly. See the SEF Config File overview below for details on using the SEF config file.

sefparams array no n/a The "sefparams" value allows you to define additional URL parameters you would like to use in the generated URL.  Note that this value MUST be an array of key => value elements that has been pre-created before the jr_url template call using {jr_array}.
sefvalue string no n/a If a "sefvalue" is given, it is appended to the seftype value to give you an additional level of differentiation in the generated URL.  Note that values in the SEF Config file are separated by seftype/sefvalue.
sefprofile string no* n/a The sefprofile value is required if the "seftype" parameter is set to "profile" - this is how Jamroom knows the "name" of the profile to use in the URL it will construct.  This can almost always be set to $BAND_URL_NAME, as that variable is available in all ranking row templates as well as the profile theme generator.
sefnts yes/no no "yes" The "sefnts" parameter is used to tell Jamroom that a Trailing Slash should be added to the end of generated URLs.  Set sefnts to "no" to remove the trailing slash.
sefbase string no n/a The "sefbase" parameter allows you to define a "base" URL that will be used in place of the $JAMROOM_URL when Jamroom constructs the URL.
nosefurl string no n/a The "nosefurl" parameter is used to pass in a URL that should be used if SEF URLs are disabled in Jamroom.  This parameter needs to be the FULL URL (including $JAMROOM_URL if needed).
assign string no no The "assign" parameter is an optional parameter that allows you to take the processed output and store it in a template variable for further processing.  This is handy to check to ensure the results of the function contains valid data.


SEF Config File:

The SEF Config file is a "mapping" file that can be used by a Jamroom Skin to create mask => URL combinations to create higher quality SEO URLs.  This file is a PHP file, and therefore must be correct PHP syntax or an error will occur in your Jamroom.

The SEF Config file consists of a PHP $sef "array" that contains key => value pairs that link up a given seftag to a single (or multiple) set of URL parameters to be passed in.  An example entry is:

$sef['seftype']['seftag'] = 'URL_param_key1=URL_param_value1[|URL_param_key#=URL_param_key#]

As many different URL_param_key and URL_param_value combinations can be used - each needs to be separate by a pipe sympol (|).

 The {jr_url} Template Function was introduced in Jamroom 4.0.0.

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