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{jr_ranking} is used for embedding a Jamroom Ranking System list and output into a Jamroom skin template.

Note: the {jr_ranking} template function can use all of the parameters listed in the main Jamroom Ranking System document as well.


Name Type Required Default Description
mode string yes "band" the "mode" parameter tells Jamroom what type of ranking call you are making - artist, comment, event, fan, favorite, member, page, photo, radio, song, spotlight, store, user, vault, video and video_spotlight.
order integer yes "1" relates to one of the list-orders that the ranking.php script accepts. It varies by mode, see Ranking for details.
show integer no n/a limits the number of entries returned to the "show" amount.
header_template string no n/a defines the template to use as the HEADER template for the output.
row_template string no n/a defines the template to use as the ROW template for the output.
footer_template string no n/a defines the template to use as the FOOTER template for the output.
tpl_dir string no "skin" directory containing the Jamroom template - can be "skin" or "theme"
theme string no n/a if a tpl_dir value of "theme" is given, then the name of the Artist Theme needs to be passed in with the theme parameter
skin string no n/a The skin parameter tells the function to look in the skins/<skin_name> directory to find the template.  If this is not supplied, the function will look in the Active Skin directory.
band_id mixed no n/a If a single band_id (or array of band_ids) is is given, then only events from the given ID's will be returned.
cache_time integer no n/a If the cache_time parameter is given, the output of the function will be cached for the given number of seconds.
assign string no n/a optional "assign" parameter - if given, the output of the function will be assigned to a template variable of the same name. Note: The "assign" parameter does not work in Profile Theme templates.



embedded {jr_ranking} function call in template, displaying the artist's 5 most recently added photos:

{jr_ranking mode="photo" order="4" show="5" row_template="custom_photo.tpl" band_id=$BAND_ID tpl_dir="theme" theme="Cobalt"}

embedded {jr_ranking} function call to display the artist's 10 most played songs:

{jr_ranking mode="song" order="5" show="10" row_template="custom_song_row.tpl" band_id=$BAND_ID}

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