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The {jr_quicktime_player} template function is used for embedding an Apple Quicktime Media Player object into a Jamroom Template.

Note: Due to the more limited support for Quicktime media in browsers, it is recommended that you use the {jr_flash_player} Template Function instead.
Note: The {jr_quicktime_player} Template Function does not work in Jamroom Profile Theme Templates.


Name Type Required Default Description
band_id number yes n/a the "band_id" parameter tells Jamroom the band_id that the embedded Quicktime Player will be configured for.
type string yes n/a

The "type" parameter tells Jamroom the type of media that will be used in the embedded Quicktime Player.  Valid values are:

  • song_hifi - for playing a HIFI song file
  • song_lofi - for playing a LOFI song file
width number no 200 The "width" parameter tells Jamroom how wide to make the embedded Quicktime Player.
height number no 15 The "height" parameter tells Jamroom how tall to make the embedded Quicktime Player.
song_id number yes n/a If using the "song_hifi" or "song_lofi" type, then a song_id is required.
assign string no n/a If the "assign" parameter is given, then the HTML code that is created by the {jr_windows_media_player} function will be saved to the name given as "assign" and can be access later in the template as $name, where $name is the name of the variable given.



embedded {jr_windows_media_player}

{jr_quicktime_player type="song_hifi" band_id="5" song_id="3"}

{jr_playlist} page 137 of 171 {jr_random_number}
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