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{jr_flash_player} is used for embedding the Jamroom Flash Player into a Jamroom Skin or Theme template file.  Note that this function requires that the Jamroom Power Pack be installed in your Jamroom.


Name Type Required Default Description
player_type string no xspf_player.swf the "player_type" is used to define the PATH to the .swf player Flash Object to use.  Jamroom will use the default "xspf_player.swf" file found in jamroom/include/flash.  Valid player_type values include:
  • "jeroen" - for the Jeroen Flash Player **
  • "n8flash" - for the new N8Flash Video Jukebox Player *
  • "button" - for the "button-style" XSPF flash player
  • "slim" - for the "slim-style" XSPF flash player
  • "http://url/to/your/player" - you can also pass an entire path to another flash player on your server as the "player_type" parameter."

* requires Jamroom Skin Pack   ** requires Jamroom Power Pack

player_mode string no song_hifi The "player_mode" parameter tells Jamroom which audio mode to work in - "song_hifi" or "song_lofi".  This parameter is ignored if playing a Radio Station.
width integer yes n/a The "width" parameter tells Jamroom how wide to make the Flash Player.
height integer yes n/a The "height" parameter tells Jamroom how tall to make the Flash Player.
radio_id * integer yes * n/a If you want the Flash Player to play a Jamroom Radio Station, the radio_id of the station to play is required.
band_id * integer yes * n/a The band_id is required if playing songs by an artist, and not playing a Jamroom Radio Station.  * This parameter is required when using the N8Flash Video player.
song_id * integer no "all" If a song_id is NOT given, then the default is to create a playlist for the Flash Player based on ALL of the songs for the band_id.
user_id * integer yes * n/a The user_id parameter should be set to $_USER.user_id in a Jamroom Skin Template so the N8Flash Player can determine the logged in status of the viewing user.  * This parameter is required for the N8Flash Video player.
title string no n/a The "title" parameter specifies the title for the Flash Player
player_info_text string no n/a When the player starts up, this will be used as the Info Text
player_playlist_title string no n/a This string will be used as the "name" of the playlist
auto_play yes/no no "no" If the "auto_play" parameter is set to "yes", the playlist will play automatically when the page containing the Flash Player is loaded by the browser.
playlist_url string no n/a If the "playlist_url" parameter is given, the any internal playlist_url that would be generated by the template function will not be used, and the value of this parameter will be used instead.
playlist_size integer no n/a The playlist_size parameter can be used to set a limit on the number of songs that will be loaded into the playlist.
repeat * yes/no no "no" If the "repeat" parameter is set to "yes", then the playlist that is loaded into the Flash Player will repeat itself when finished.
random * defined no n/a If the "random" parameter is defined (set to anything), then the resulting playlist will be randomized.
bgcolor hex no n/a If the "bgcolor" parameter is defined, it MUST be a 6 digit hexadecimal colors code (i.e. #FFFFFF), and will define the inside "insert" color of the player.  Note that not all player skins support this.
params array no n/a The "params" parameter is a special parameter that allows you to define extra OBJECT and EMBED parameters for the flash player.  Note that this parameter requires the use of the {jr_array} Template Function to "prepare" the value for the params parameter.  See the example below for a sample of the use.  This option became available in Jamroom 4.2.2.
format * string no n/a The "format" parameter can be used to pass a custom playlist format to the jr_flash_player function.  Custom playlist formats can be created to suit any desirable playlist format.
assign string no n/a If the "assign" parameter is given, then the HTML code that is created by the {jr_flash_player} function will be saved to the name given as "assign" and can be access later in the template as $name, where $name is the name of the variable given.

 * - these parameters will NOT work if you pass in a playlist_url parameter, since any value you enter as a playlist_url will override the internally generated playlist_url, so you will need to pass in any of these parameters as part of your custom playlist_url.


embedded {jr_flash_player} using the Cobalt Flash Players (found in the Jamroom Power Pack)

{jr_flash_player player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_mp3_180x200-Cobalt3.swf" band_id="1"}

embedded {jr_flash_player} using the Sage Flash player with additional custom "params":

{jr_array name="flv_params" key="FlashVars" value="middletextstring=Buy This Beat"}
{jr_flash_player player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Sage/ds_mp3_180x200-Sage.swf" band_id="25" params=$flv_params}


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