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Jamroom Advanced Charts - Common Artist variables

When using the Jamroom Advanced Charts, Jamroom provides many pre-created "Template Variables" that are made available to you in the row_template that is passed to the Advanced Charts.  The following "Common" Artist Variables are available in both Audio and Video chart row_template Templates.

Note: These variables are only available in the row_template - they are not available in the header_template. The LAST artist displayed will be available in the footer_template.

Artist Template Variables available in the row_template:

{$ARTIST_URL} URL to Artist’s page - NOTE: this variable contains a trailing slash, so to link to a page in the Artist's Profile directory, use {$ARTIST_URL}pagename.php
{$BAND_ID} the numeric Jamroom ID of the artist (i.e. “5”)
{$BAND_CREATED} date artist was created (EPOCH) (i.e. 1059951557)
{$BAND_DATE1} date artist was created formatted according to $config[date1]
{$BAND_DATE2} date artist was created formatted according to $config[date2]
{$BAND_DATE3} date artist was created formatted according to $config[date3]
{$BAND_NAME} Name of the artist
{$BAND_URL_NAME} The “URL” name for the Artist, as entered on the Create/Modify Artist form.
{$BAND_GENRE} If you are using Jamroom Artist Genres, the {$BAND_GENRE} variable will contain the Artist Genre
{$BAND_INFO} The artists background information
{$BAND_RANK} The numerical value of its placement in the result set from the Jamroom Ranking System.
{$BAND_LOCATION} The artists location (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_WEBSITE} The artists website (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_INFLUENCE} the Artist’s Influences (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_SOUNDLIKE} What the Artist Sounds Like (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_IMAGE_URL} Contains URL to generate the Artist image - for use in the SRC section of an <img> tag.
{$BAND_PRIVATE} This variable will be set to "yes" if the Artist has set their profile to be a "Private Profile".  It will be empty or set to "no" if the Profile is not private.
{$BAND_STREAM_COUNT} Total number of streaming plays for this artists songs
{$BAND_DOWNLOAD_COUNT} Total number of download plays for this artists songs
{$BAND_TOTAL_COUNT} Total number of streaming + download plays for this artists songs
{$BAND_HIFI_SCOUNT} Total number of HIFI Audio Stream plays.
{$BAND_LOFI_SCOUNT} Total number of LOFI Audio Stream plays.
{$BAND_HIFI_DCOUNT} Total number of HIFI Audio Downloads for the Artist.
{$BAND_LOFI_DCOUNT} Total number of LOFI Audio Downloads for the Artist.
{$BAND_SPOT_COUNT} Total number of times the Artist's songs have been viewed via the "spotlight" mode.
{$BAND_VIDEO_SCOUNT} Total number of Video Stream plays.
{$BAND_VIDEO_DCOUNT} Total number of Video Downloads for the Artist.
{$BAND_VIDEO_SPOT} Total number of times the Artist's videos have been viewed via the "video_spotlight" mode.
{$BAND_RATING_FORM_URL} URL to rating.php script to generate Band Rating Form.
{$RATING_NUMBER} Number of times Artist has been rated
{$RATING_AVERAGE} Average Rating of Artist
{$RATING_1} Number of “1” votes the Artist has received.
{$RATING_2} Number of “2” votes the Artist has received.
{$RATING_3} Number of “3” votes the Artist has received.
{$RATING_4} Number of “4” votes the Artist has received.
{$RATING_5} Number of “5” votes the Artist has received.
{$BAND_PAYMENT_EMAIL} If you have the Jamroom Payment Pack installed, this field will be set to the Artist's Payout Email Address.
{$BAND_PAYOUT_TIME} If you have the Jamroom Payment Pack installed, this field will be set to the Epoch time the Artist was last paid via a Jamroom Quota Payout.  It will be set to 0 (zero) if the artist has never been paid.
{$BAND_BALANCE} If you have the Jamroom Payment pack installed, the {$BAND_BALANCE} variable will contain the amount of money the artist currently has on balance, waiting for payout.
{$BAND_SUBSCRIBE_END} If the Artist Profile is currently subscribed to a Jamroom Quota, the epoch time that the Subscription ends will be stored in this variable.
{$BAND_COMMENT_COUNT} The number of comments for the Artist.
{$BAND_SHARE_FANS} This variable will be set to "yes" if the Artist has elected to Share their Fans.
{$BAND_FAN_COUNT} The number of fans the Artist has.
{$BAND_THEMEDIR} The {$BAND_THEMEDIR} will contain the name of the Profile Theme the artist is using on their profile (i.e. "Cobalt3")
{$BAND_?????} If you have created any Custom Form Fields in the Artist Profile, your Custom Form fields will be made available in the templates.  For example, if you have created a Custom Form field called band_producer, then in the row_template you could used {$BAND_PRODUCER} to access the contents of the Custom Field.
{$SERVER_ID} Numerical ID of the server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_IP} IP Address of the server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_NAME} Server Name as defined in Create/Modify Server that the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_URL} URL to Jamroom Cluster Server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)

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