When you first install Jamroom, Jamroom has built-in support for the MP3 file format as standard (i.e. song_name.mp3). If all you ever plan on using is the MP3 audio file format, then you don’t really need to add any extra support for more formats. If you do decide that you want Jamroom to support other formats, you will first need to download the Open Source package “GetID3”, then follow these simple instructions:
Installing getid3
For the following examples we will use the directory /home/username/public_html/jamroom to indicate the directory where Jamroom is installed - this will probably be different on your server, so you will want to use the appropriate directory for your server. If you are not sure where Jamroom is installed on your server, you may need to contact your hosting provider for assistance.
Next, create a directory within your main jamroom directory called getid3. Note - the directory must be in all lowercase letters - i.e.
jamroom/getid3 <-- create this directory
Using your FTP client, upload the contents of the temp directory that contains getid3 into the new getid3 directory you created in your Jamroom directory. When complete, you should have TWO getid3 directories like:
jamroom/getid3/getid3/(files in here)
Note: Make sure and delete the "getid3/demos" directory (or do not upload it) - leaving it on your server is a security risk! |
That's it - getid3 has been installed in your Jamroom. Next, we want to configure Jamroom to "use" getid3 now that it has been installed.
Configuring Jamroom to support additional media formats
The next step is to be sure we let Jamroom know we have the getid3 option installed. Follow these directions to enabled the getid3 option in Jamroom:
- First, log in to your Jamroom as the Master Admin.
- Click on the "Jamroom Config" option from the Master Admin Menu.
- Click on the "Media Settings" option from the Jamroom Config Menu.
- You will see an option titled "Use Getid3 Option" - make sure this is set to "yes", then save your changes.
That's it for the Jamroom Config - Jamroom will now use the getid3 media parser.
Enabling alternate file type support in the Jamroom Quotas
Now that the getid3 option has been installed and activated, the next step is to make sure the Jamroom Quotas are supporting the media file types you want to allow. Since you can change the support media types on a per Jamroom Quota basis, this gives you a lot of flexibility in the types of files you can support for your customers.
- Make sure you are logged in as the Jamroom Master Admin.
- Click on the "Browse Quotas" option available from the Master Admin Menu
- Select the Jamroom Quota you want to modify, and press the "Modify" button to the right of it.
- Next, you will want to click on the "Media Support" tab (note that only Jamroom Artist Quotas have a Media Support tab).
- You will now see the following options that can be modified:
- Valid Audio Formats - this allows you to define the Audio File support that you would like to have in this Jamroom Quota. Enter the audio formats you would like to use into the text box, separated by commas.
- Valid audio formats are: mp3, wma, ogg, wav, mid and flac
- Valid Video Formats - this allows you to define the Video File support that you would like to have in this Jamroom Quota. (this option only appears if you have the Jamroom Power Pack installed). Enter the video formats you would like to use into the text box, separated by commas.
- Valid video formats are: wmv, mpg, mpeg and mov
- Save the Media Support options by pressing the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
That's it - you have now successfully allowed alternate media formats in your Jamroom!
Note: The getid3 library is not maintained or developed by Jamroom.net, therefore support cannot be provided for the code or its use with Jamroom. If you’re experiencing any problems, check out the Jamroom User Support Forums and post the issue you’re encountering |