With the release of Jamroom 4, a entirely new Jamroom Skin and Profile Theme was created - Nova. The new Nova Skin and Theme were designed to be very "interactive" with AJAX elements, as well as support for most Jamroom features and options.
Replacing the Jeroen Flash Player with a different Flash Player
By default, the Jamroom Nova Skin and Theme use the "Jeroen" Flash Player, which is a "fluid" flash player that features support for both audio and video, as well as embedded playlists. It is easy to configure and supports many different options, so is a natural fit for the new Nova skin and theme. However, if you have a custom flash player you would like to integrate in place of the Jeroen player, this guide will show you how to do that.
Step one - changes to Nova profile theme templates
First off we are going to make changes to the profile theme templates - these templates are located in jamroom/themes/Nova. There are several templates that are used to create the flash player, and we'll want to update each one to use the flash player of our choice. For our examples, we are going to switch over to using the Cobalt3 "Buy Now" Flash player, that is part of the Jamroom Payment Pack.
Modify the following templates:
- jamroom/themes/Nova/player_audio_embed.tpl
change this:
{if is_file("`$JAMROOM_DIR`/include/jeroen/player_v4.swf")}
{* Jeroen v4 player *}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="playlist" value="right"}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="playlistsize" value="285"}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="backcolor" value="#949799"}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="screencolor" value="#949799"}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="frontcolor" value="#000000"}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="lightcolor" value="#F7DD4F"}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="repeat" value="list"}
{jr_array name="fvars" key="autostart" value="true"}
{jr_flash_player player_type="jeroen4" playlist_url=$play_url width="515" height="195" params=$fvars}
{* XSPF Audio Player *}
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$play_url width="515" height="195" auto_play="yes"}
to this:
{* XSPF Audio Player *}
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$XSPF_HIFI_PLAYALL_URL player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_mp3_300x200-Cobalt3_buy.swf" width="300" height="200" auto_play="yes"}
Note how we removed the Jeroen flash player section, and added in the new "player_type" option to the {jr_flash_player} function call - this tells Jamroom that you want to "override" the default XSPF player and use the specified URL for your flash player.
- jamroom/themes/Nova/player_audio.tpl
change this:
{if is_file("`$JAMROOM_DIR`/include/jeroen/player_v4.swf")}
{assign var="play_url" value="`$XSPF_HIFI_PLAYALL_URL`%26jeroen=1"}
{* Jeroen v4 player *}
<script type='text/javascript'>
var so = new SWFObject('{$JAMROOM_URL}/include/jeroen/player_v4.swf','audio_player','515','195','9','#D4D7D9');
{* XSPF Audio Player *}
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$XSPF_HIFI_PLAYALL_URL width="515" height="195"}
to this:
{* XSPF Audio Player *}
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$XSPF_HIFI_PLAYALL_URL player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_mp3_300x200-Cobalt3_buy.swf" width="300" height="200" auto_play="yes"}
again we have removed the references to the Jeroen player and replaced it with the reference to our own flash player.
- jamroom/themes/Nova/player_radio.tpl
Empty the file and replace it with this:
{* get our TOP Radio Station for the player (as organized by the profile owner) *}
{jr_ranking mode="radio" band_id=$BAND_ID order="13" row_template="radio_id.tpl" show="1" tpl_dir="theme" theme="Nova" assign="radio_id" jr_active_mode="true"}
{assign var="play_url" value="`$MASTER_URL`/play.php?mode=radio&id=$radio_id&format=xspf"}
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$play_url player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_mp3_300x200-Cobalt3_buy.swf" width="300" height="200"}
- jamroom/themes/Nova/player_video_embed.tpl
change this line:
{jr_flash_player player_type="jeroen4" playlist_url=$play_url width="515" height="195" params=$fvars}
to this:
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$play_url player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_flv_277x260_Cobalt3_buy.swf" width="277" height="260"}
- jamroom/themes/Nova/player_video.tpl
Replace entire contents of file with this:
{assign var="playurl" value="`$MASTER_URL`/play.php?mode=video&band_id=`$BAND_ID`&video_id=all&format=xspf"}
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$play_url player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_flv_277x260_Cobalt3_buy.swf" width="277" height="260"}
- jamroom/themes/Nova/player_channel.tpl
Replace entire contents of file with this:
{jr_ranking mode="channel" band_id=$BAND_ID order="13" row_template="channel_id.tpl" show="1" tpl_dir="theme" theme="Nova" assign="channel_id" jr_active_mode="true"}
{assign var="play_url" value="`$MASTER_URL`/play.php?mode=channel&id=$channel_id&format=xspf"}
{jr_flash_player playlist_url=$play_url player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_flv_277x260_Cobalt3_buy.swf" width="277" height="260"}