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{jr_user_online} Index {jr_windows_media_player}


{jr_whos_online} is used for embedding a small "block" or section into a Jamroom template that shows users that are currently online in your Jamroom.

Function Paramaters

Name Type Required Default Description
template string yes n/a the {jr_whos_online} function requires a template that will be used to format the output.  This template needs to be located in the active Skin directory.
cache_seconds integer no 600 length of time (in seconds) the output should be cached for.  Since the output of this function will likely not change throughout the day, a value of 86400 (1 day in seconds) can work well on a busy system.  Set to a low value (or 0 to turn caching off) while testing your template design.
online_time integer no 900 By default, the {jr_whos_online} function will show users that have been active in the past 15 minutes (900 seconds).  Set this number either higher or lower to change the length odf time a user must be "active" in to show on the output.  Value is in seconds.
assign string no n/a If the "assign" attribute is given, the output of the function will be stored in the template variable given as the assign value.

Example using {jr_whos_online} function

{jr_whos_online} being called in "uncached" mode (cache_seconds has been set to 0):

{jr_whos_online template="jr_whos_online.tpl" cache_seconds="0"}

jr_whos_online.tpl file:

{if $TOTAL_ONLINE == 0}

  No Users Online


  <span class="small-txt-1">ARTISTS:</span> <span class="small-txt-2">{$ARTISTS_ONLINE}</span><br />
  <span class="small-txt-1">MEMBERS:</span> <span class="small-txt-2">{$MEMBERS_ONLINE}</span><br />
  <span class="small-txt-1">VISITORS:</span> <span class="small-txt-2">{$VISITORS_ONLINE}</span><br />
  <hr size="1">

  {foreach from=$USERS key=key item=_usr}

    {* only our admin can see hidden users - hidden users will not even make it into the $USERS array for anyone but the master admin *}
    {if strlen($_usr.USER_NICKNAME) > 0 && $_usr.USER_SHOW_ONLINE == 0}

      {* we don't link to our admin account *}
      {if $_usr.USER_ID == 0}
        <i><span class="small-txt-2" style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal;">{$_usr.USER_NICKNAME}</span></i><br>
        <i><a href="{$JAMROOM_URL}/{$artist_dir}/{$_usr.USER_BAND_ID}">{$_usr.USER_NICKNAME}</a></i><br>

    {elseif strlen($_usr.USER_NICKNAME) > 0}

      {* we don't link to our admin account *}
      {if $_usr.USER_ID == 0}
        <span class="small-txt-2" style="font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal;">{$_usr.USER_NICKNAME}</span><br>
        <a href="{$JAMROOM_URL}/{$artist_dir}/{$_usr.USER_BAND_ID}">{$_usr.USER_NICKNAME}</a><br>


Global Template variables available within the {jr_whos_online} template

Variable Description
{$TOTAL_ONLINE} Total number of Users Online
{$ARTISTS_ONLINE} Total number of Users Online who are part of an Artist Profile
{$MEMBERS_ONLINE} Total number of Users Online who are attached to a "Member Profile"
{$VISITORS_ONLINE} Total number of Visitors online that are not logged in to Jamroom
{$HIDDEN_USERS} Total number of Users online that are Hidden
{$VISIBLE_USERS} Total number of Users online that are Visible

User Loop Template variables available within the {jr_whos_online} template

Variable Description
{$_usr.USER_ID} User ID of User
{$_usr.USER_BAND_ID} User Band ID of User
{$_usr.USER_CREATED} Date the User Account was created
{$_usr.USER_FULLNAME} Full Name of User (as entered in Profile)
{$_usr.USER_NICKNAME} Nickname (login name) of User
{$_usr.USER_EMAILADR} Email Address of User (as entered in Profile)
{$_usr.USER_HOMEPAGE} Home page of User (as entered in Profile)
{$_usr.USER_IMNUMBER} Instant Messenger ID Number of User (as entered in Profile)
{$_usr.USER_ADDRESS} Address of User (as entered in Profile)
{$_usr.USER_GENDER} Gender of User (as entered in Profile) 0 = unknown, 1 = Male, 2 = Female
{$_usr.USER_BIRTHDATE} User Birthdate in YYYYMMDD format
{$_usr.USER_LANGUAGE} Language selected by User in profile
{$_usr.USER_IP} Last IP Address of User
{$_usr.USER_ACCEPT_NOTES} Set to "1" if User accepts Private Notes
{$_usr.USER_SHOW_EMAIL} Set to "1" if User allows E-Mail to be viewable
{$_usr.USER_SHOW_ONLINE} Set to "1" if User ALlows others to view online status

{jr_user_online} page 179 of 185 {jr_windows_media_player}
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