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{jr_flash_player} is used for embedding the Jamroom Flash Player into a Jamroom Skin or Theme template file.  Note that this function requires that the Jamroom Power Pack be installed in your Jamroom.


Name Type Required Default Description
player_type string no xspf_player.swf the "player_type" is used to define the PATH to the .swf player Flash Object to use.  Jamroom will use the default "xspf_player.swf" file found in jamroom/include/flash.  Valid player_type values include:
  • "jeroen" - for the Jeroen Flash Player *
  • "jeroen4" - for the Jeroen Flash Player, version 4 *
  • "n8flash" - for the new N8Flash Video Jukebox Player *
  • "button" - for the "button-style" XSPF flash player
  • "slim" - for the "slim-style" XSPF flash player
  • "http://url/to/your/player" - you can also pass an entire path to another flash player on your server as the "player_type" parameter."

* requires Jamroom Skin Pack to be installed

player_mode string no song_hifi The "player_mode" parameter tells Jamroom which audio mode to work in - "song_hifi" or "song_lofi".  This parameter is ignored if playing a Radio Station.
width integer yes n/a The "width" parameter tells Jamroom how wide to make the Flash Player.
height integer yes n/a The "height" parameter tells Jamroom how tall to make the Flash Player.
skin string no n/a

The "skin" parameter is only valid when the player_type has been set to "jeroen4".  It defines the Player Skin that the Jeroen Flash Player will use.  If not defined, the default skin will be used, otherwise it can be set to one of the following:

  • Kleur
  • Stijl
  • Snel
  • nacht
  • schoon
radio_id * integer yes * n/a If you want the Flash Player to play a Jamroom Radio Station, the radio_id of the station to play is required.
band_id * integer yes * n/a The band_id is required if playing songs by an artist, and not playing a Jamroom Radio Station.  * This parameter is required when using the N8Flash Video player.
song_id * integer no "all" If a song_id is NOT given, then the default is to create a playlist for the Flash Player based on ALL of the songs for the band_id.
user_id * integer yes * n/a The user_id parameter should be set to $_USER.user_id in a Jamroom Skin Template so the N8Flash Player can determine the logged in status of the viewing user.  * This parameter is required for the N8Flash Video player.
title string no n/a The "title" parameter specifies the title for the Flash Player
player_info_text string no n/a When the player starts up, this will be used as the Info Text
player_playlist_title string no n/a This string will be used as the "name" of the playlist
auto_play yes/no no "no" If the "auto_play" parameter is set to "yes", the playlist will play automatically when the page containing the Flash Player is loaded by the browser.
playlist_url string no n/a If the "playlist_url" parameter is given, the any internal playlist_url that would be generated by the template function will not be used, and the value of this parameter will be used instead.
playlist_size integer no n/a The playlist_size parameter can be used to set a limit on the number of songs that will be loaded into the playlist.
repeat * yes/no no "no" If the "repeat" parameter is set to "yes", then the playlist that is loaded into the Flash Player will repeat itself when finished.
random * defined no n/a If the "random" parameter is defined (set to anything), then the resulting playlist will be randomized.
bgcolor hex no n/a If the "bgcolor" parameter is defined, it MUST be a 6 digit hexadecimal colors code (i.e. #FFFFFF), and will define the inside "insert" color of the player.  Note that not all player skins support this.
params array no n/a The "params" parameter is a special parameter that allows you to define extra OBJECT and EMBED parameters for the flash player.  Note that this parameter requires the use of the {jr_array} Template Function to "prepare" the value for the params parameter.  See the example below for a sample of the use.  This option became available in Jamroom 3.2.2.
format * string no n/a The "format" parameter can be used to pass a custom playlist format to the jr_flash_player function.  Custom playlist formats can be created to suit any desirable playlist format.
assign string no n/a If the "assign" parameter is given, then the HTML code that is created by the {jr_flash_player} function will be saved to the name given as "assign" and can be access later in the template as $name, where $name is the name of the variable given.

 * - these parameters will NOT work if you pass in a playlist_url parameter, since any value you enter as a playlist_url will override the internally generated playlist_url, so you will need to pass in any of these parameters as part of your custom playlist_url.


embedded {jr_flash_player} using the Cobalt Flash Players (found in the Jamroom Power Pack)

{jr_flash_player player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Cobalt3/ds_mp3_180x200-Cobalt3.swf" band_id="1"}

embedded {jr_flash_player} using the Sage Flash player with additional custom "params":

{jr_array name="flv_params" key="FLashVars" value="middletextstring=Buy This Beat"}
{jr_flash_player player_type="`$JAMROOM_URL`/themes/Sage/ds_mp3_180x200-Sage.swf" band_id="25" params=$flv_params}


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