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Creating and Selling Event Tickets using the Jamroom Vault

The Jamroom Vault allows users to create Event Tickets to be available for purchase (or for free) for Events.  This feature requires the Jamroom Payment Pack be installed and configured.


In order to create Event Tickets, you must have uploaded the Jamroom Payment Pack and set your Artist Quotas to allow Vault Items for Events.  You can do so in the Jamroom Config > Jamroom Quotas > Modify screen, click on the Payments tab, and make sure Show Event Vault is set to "Yes." 

Step 1 - Create a New Event

Log into the Artist Control Panel, and select Create Event from the left-hand menu.  Enter the desired title, location, date, description, and/or image for the event.  If you would like to create a ticket for the event, scroll down to the Vault section of the Create Event Screen.  Enter an item description and price, as well as a sales limit and/or ticket limit, if desired.  The Sales Limit setting defines the number of tickets that can be sold for this event.  The Ticket Limit setting defines the number of tickets that can be purchased by an individual.  Then, "check" the checkbox next to Create As Ticket.  Finally, click Create Event, and your new Event and Event Ticket will be created!

Step 2 (Optional) - Creating a Custom Ticket

The Event Tickets created by Jamroom are generated one of two ways: with a custom Ticket Template or "on-the-fly" with a default ticket.  To create a custom ticket, create a custom Ticket Template with a .txt file extension, and upload it as the New Vault File for your Event.

Although custom Ticket Templates have a .txt file extension, it is the same as a Jamroom Template file.  This means that your templates can contain HTML, as well as Template Functions and Variable Modifiers.

{$TICKET_IDS} The unique Ticket ID that is generated by Jamroom for each ticket sold.  Note: One ID will be displayed for each ticket sold.
{$TICKET_UPCS} The UPC Code that is generated by Jamroom based on the unique ticket ID's. This is a actual image that is generated by Jamroom, and can be used in conjunction with a bard code reader.  Note: One UPC image will be shown for each ticket sold.
{$TICKET_COUNT} The number of tickets purchased by the purchaser.
{$EVENT_ID} The Jamroom Event_ID for the tickets purchased.
{$EVENT_BAND_ID} The Jamroom Band_ID that the event was created by.
{$EVENT_ADDED} The time the Event was created (in epoch format).
{$EVENT_TIME} The time the Event is taking place (in epoch format).
{$EVENT_TITLE} The title of the event.
{$EVENT_LOCATION} The location of the event.
{$EVENT_DESCRIPTION} The description of the event.

If you do not upload a Ticket Template for your Event, a generic default ticket will be generated "on-the-fly" when users print their tickets, using an internal template.

Using the variables listed above, you can create a "custom ticket" to suit your needs, that can contain information about the show.  Here's an example "ticket" template file:


Thank you for your purchase of {$TICKET_COUNT} tickets!


Date and Time: {$EVENT_TIME|date_format:"%m/%d/%y %H:%M"}


Step 3 (Optional) - Creating a Default Ticket Template

As of Jamroom 3.3.2, Jamroom admins now have the ability to create a custom default ticket template to be used for all events that have selected "Create as Ticket," but have not uploaded a ticket template.  To create a default ticket template, create a file called ticket.tpl in your jamroom/skins/(skin_name)/cp/ directory (if you are using the "original" control panel, create it in your jamroom/templates/cp/ directory).  Then, simply add the code for your ticket template, and it will now be used as the default ticket!

Additional Information

Once users have purchased their ticket(s) and the payment has "cleared," they will be able to view and print their tickets by logging into their control panel, and clicking the "my files" link at the top of the control panel.

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