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This document applies to Jamroom 2 only!
For current Jamroom 4 Documentation, visit the main Jamroom Documentation section.

It’s very easy to translate Jamroom into your local language (or a language you are fluent in). Jamroom separates the “text strings” that your users see in the User Menu into a separate file, depending on the language. This makes it easy to modify the language of Jamroom without having to modify any code. 1)


The language files are located in the jamroom/language directory, and by default “on a new Jamroom install” the directory will contain the following files:


You can see that there are several languages that Jamroom has already been translated into. 2)

Creating a new Language File

Creating a new language file is easy - simply copy the “english.lang.php” file to the name of the new language file you would like to create - i.e.:

cp english.lang.php newlanguage.lang.php

Next, open the new file in your favorite text editor and replace ALL of the English strings with their “new language” equivalents.
Note: The Language files must be 100% valid PHP, since they are “sourced” in by Jamroom, and any PHP syntax errors in the language file will result in a PHP error in your User Menu.

Installing the new Language File

After you’ve finished translating the language file, the next step is to “install” the language file so Jamroom will see it. Make sure your new language file is located in the jamroom/language directory:


Next, open the jamroom/config/language.cfg.php file, and add your new language file in:

$lang['available_languages'] = array(
'german.lang.php' => 'deutsch',
'english.lang.php' => 'english',
'spanish.lang.php' => 'espa�ol',
'french.lang.php' => 'fran�ais',
'hebrew.lang.php' => 'hebrew',
'hungarian.lang.php' => 'hungarian',
'dutch.lang.php' => 'nederlands',
'vietnamese.lang.php' => 'vietnamese',
'russian.lang.php' => 'russian',
'newlanguage.lang.php' => 'New Language'

This will “activate” the new language once you save the file.

Using your New Language

The final step is to log in to your Jamroom, go to the “Your Profile” link from the User Menu and change your language to the newly installed language. Save your settings, and if everything was entered correctly in the language file, Jamroom will now show up in your new language! If you receive any PHP errors, simply modify the jamroom/language/newlanguage.lang.php file and fix the syntax errors on the lines indicated in the PHP error.

That’s it!

Sharing your new language translation with other Jamroom users

If you are fluent in a language that Jamroom has not yet been translated into, and would like to make your language translation available to other Jamroom users, please send an e-mail to  support@jamroom.net - Note that you can receive a free Jamroom upgrade for your work!

1) Note that the text strings in the Admin Interface and Jamroom Errors are not modifiable - this ensures that support can be provided for Jamroom owners.
2) note that some of these translations are only “partial” translations - they were originally translated around Jamroom version 1.x, and haven’t been updated with newer text strings from Jamroom 2.x. If you are fluent in any of the above languages, except english, and can lend a hand finishing them, please contact me at bigguy@jamroom.net
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