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This document applies to Jamroom 2 only!
For current Jamroom 4 Documentation, visit the main Jamroom Documentation section.

These variables work in the “song” row templates - that is, when the “search_area” to newsearch.php is:

  • song_name
  • song_label
  • song_credits
  • song_album

Variable Replacement Description
{$MODE} this is the mode it is currently running in (i.e. band, song, etc.)
{$BAND_ID} the numeric Jamroom ID of the band (i.e. “5”)
{$BAND_NAME} Name of the artist
{$BAND_LOCATION} The artists location (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_WEBSITE} The artists website (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_IMAGE} link to image.php script to generate Band Image - i.e:

- use this an IMG tag

{$BAND_RATING_FORM} URL to rating.php script to generate Band Rating Form.
{$QUOTA_ID} The Jamroom Quota ID the Artist belongs to.
{$SONG_ID} the numeric Jamroom ID of the song (i.e. “15”)
{$SONG_CREATED} date the song was created (EPOCH) (i.e. 1059951557)
{$SONG_DATE1} date song was created formatted according to $config[date1]
{$SONG_DATE2} date song was created formatted according to $config[date2]
{$SONG_DATE3} date song was created formatted according to $config[date3]
{$SONG_NAME} The title of the song
{$SONG_ALBUM} The title of the album the song belongs to
{$SONG_LABEL} The label name the songs belongs to
{$SONG_GENRE} The musical genre the songs belongs to
{$SONG_INFO} the background information on the song
{$SONG_LYRICS} the lyrics to the song
{$SONG_ISRC} If the “$show_isrc” config option is set to yes, then this variable will contain the “Show ISRC?” entry (from the Create/Modify Song form).
{$SONG_SLICENSE} If the “$show_isrc” config option is set to yes, then this variable will contain the “Songwriter License” value from the Create/Modify Song screen.
{$SONG_ALICENSE} If the “$show_isrc” config option is set to yes, then this variable will contain the “Artist License” value from the Create/Modify Song screen.
{$SONG_RANK} The numerical value of its placement in the output list
{$SONG_IMAGE} link to image.php script to generate Song Image - i.e:

- use this inside an IMG tag

{$SONG_STREAM_COUNT} number of streaming plays ONLY for this song
{$SONG_DOWNLOAD_COUNT} number of download plays ONLY for this song
{$SONG_TOTAL_COUNT} number of ALL plays (downloads + streams) for this song
{$SONG_HIFI_EXTENSION} The File type of the HIFI song, if applicable (i.e. “mp3”)
{$SONG_LOFI_EXTENSION} The File type of the LOFI song, if applicable (i.e. “mp3”)
{$SONG_HIFI_PLAY_URL} The URL link to the “play.php” script so this song can be streamed in HiFi mode (if HiFi is available, otherwise is empty)
{$SONG_LOFI_PLAY_URL} The URL link to the “play.php” script so this song can be streamed in LoFi mode (if LoFi is available, otherwise is empty)
{$SONG_HIFI_DOWNLOAD_URL} The URL link to the “download.php” script so this song can be downloaded in HiFi mode (if HiFi download is enabled, otherwise is empty)
{$SONG_LOFI_DOWNLOAD_URL} The URL link to the “download.php” script so this song can be downloaded in LoFi mode (if LoFi download is enabled, otherwise is empty)
{$SONG_RATING_FORM} Creates a URL link to the rating.php form for this song, i.e:
{$SONG_RATING_AVG} The average of the song rating values - i.e. “3.24”, or “0” if no rating given yet.
{$SONG_RATING_NUM} The number of ratings this song has received so far.
{$SONG_RATING_1} The number of “1” ratings this song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_2} The number of “2” ratings this song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_3} The number of “3” ratings this song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_4} The number of “4” ratings this song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_5} The number of “5” ratings this song has received.
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