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This document applies to Jamroom 2 only!
For current Jamroom 4 Documentation, visit the main Jamroom Documentation section.

Artist Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$MODE} this is the mode it is currently running in (i.e. band, song, etc.)
{$SONG_COUNT} The number of Songs shown in the results.
{$BAND_ID} the numeric Jamroom ID of the band (i.e. “5”)
{$BAND_NAME} Name of the artist
{$BAND_LOCATION} The artists location (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_WEBSITE} The artists website (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_IMAGE_URL} link to image.php script to generate Band Image - i.e: http://yourdomain.com/jamroom/image.php?band_id=(number)&mode=band_image_image - use this an IMG tag

Song Information Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$SONG_ID} the numeric Jamroom ID of the song (i.e. “15”)
{$SONG_CREATED} date the song was created (EPOCH) (i.e. 1059951557)
{$SONG_DATE1} date song was created formatted according to $config[date1]
{$SONG_DATE2} date song was created formatted according to $config[date2]
{$SONG_DATE3} date song was created formatted according to $config[date3]
{$SONG_NAME} The title of the song
{$SONG_ALBUM} The title of the album the song belongs to
{$SONG_LABEL} The label name the songs belongs to
{$SONG_GENRE} The musical genre the songs belongs to
{$SONG_GENRE_URL} The musical genre the songs belongs to URLENCODED. NOTE use this in any URL link you create that includes the Genre - it will handle genres with spaces in them, etc.
{$SONG_INFO} the background information on the song
{$SONG_LYRICS} the lyrics to the song
{$SONG_RANK} The numerical value of its placement in the output list
{$SONG_IMAGE_URL} link to image.php script to generate Song Image - i.e: http://yourdomain.com/jamroom/image.php?band_id=(number)&song_id=(number)&mode=song_image - use this inside an IMG tag
{$SONG_STREAM_COUNT} number of streaming plays ONLY for this song
{$SONG_DOWNLOAD_COUNT} number of download plays ONLY for this song
{$SONG_TOTAL_COUNT} number of ALL plays (downloads + streams) for this song
{$COMMENT_COUNT} The number of visitor comments for this song.

HIFI Song File Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$SONG_HIFI_NAME} The file name of the HIFI Song File as it was when uploaded.
{$SONG_HIFI_TYPE} The mime-type of the HIFI Song File - i.e. “audio/mpeg”
{$SONG_HIFI_EXTENSION} The file extension (i.e. “mp3”) of the HIFI song file.
{$SONG_HIFI_SIZE} The size in bytes of the HIFI song file.
{$SONG_HIFI_DOWNLOAD} Whether or not the HIFI Song File is allowed for download (yes/no).
{$SONG_HIFI_BITRATE} The Bit Rate of the HIFI Song File (i.e. 128).
{$SONG_HIFI_SMPRATE} The Sample Rate of the HIFI Song File (i.e. 44100).
{$SONG_HIFI_LENGTH} The length of the HIFI Song File in HH:MM:SS format (or just MM:SS). To convert to seconds, use the “convert_to_seconds” Smarty variable modifier.
{$SONG_HIFI_PLAY_URL} The URL link to the “play.php” script so this song can be streamed in HiFi mode (if HiFi is available, otherwise is empty)
{$SONG_HIFI_DOWNLOAD_URL} The URL link to the “download.php” script so this song can be downloaded in HiFi mode (if HiFi download is enabled, otherwise is empty)
{$PLAYPAGE_HIFI_MP3_URL} Creates link to play.php to play all HIFI MP3 songs visible on output.  Note that this variable is available in the header and footer templates as well.
{$PLAYPAGE_HIFI_WMA_URL} Creates link to play.php to play all HIFI WMA songs visible on output.  Note that this variable is available in the header and footer templates as well.
{$PLAYPAGE_HIFI_OGG_URL} Creates link to play.php to play all HIFI OGG songs visible on output.  Note that this variable is available in the header and footer templates as well.

LOFI Song File Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$SONG_LOFI_TIME} The epoch time the LOFI Song file was last updated. Use the smarty variable modifier date_format to format the date to what you want.
{$SONG_LOFI_NAME} The file name of the LOFI Song File as it was when uploaded.
{$SONG_LOFI_TYPE} The mime-type of the LOFI Song File - i.e. “audio/mpeg”
{$SONG_LOFI_EXTENSION} The file extension (i.e. “mp3”) of the LOFI song file.
{$SONG_LOFI_SIZE} The size in bytes of the LOFI song file.
{$SONG_LOFI_DOWNLOAD} Whether or not the LOFI Song File is allowed for download (yes/no).
{$SONG_LOFI_BITRATE} The Bit Rate of the LOFI Song File (i.e. 32).
{$SONG_LOFI_SMPRATE} The Sample Rate of the LOFI Song File (i.e. 22050).
{$SONG_LOFI_LENGTH} The length of the HIFI Song File in HH:MM:SS format (or just MM:SS). To convert to seconds, use the “convert_to_seconds” Smarty variable modifier.
{$SONG_LOFI_PLAY_URL} The URL link to the “play.php” script so this song can be streamed in LoFi mode (if LoFi is available, otherwise is empty)
{$SONG_LOFI_DOWNLOAD_URL} The URL link to the “download.php” script so this song can be downloaded in LoFi mode (if LoFi download is enabled, otherwise is empty)
{$PLAYPAGE_LOFI_MP3_URL} Creates link to play.php to play all LOFI MP3 songs visible on output.  Note that this variable is available in the header and footer templates as well.
{$PLAYPAGE_LOFI_WMA_URL} Creates link to play.php to play all LOFI WMA songs visible on output.  Note that this variable is available in the header and footer templates as well.
{$PLAYPAGE_LOFI_OGG_URL} Creates link to play.php to play all LOFI OGG songs visible on output.  Note that this variable is available in the header and footer templates as well.

Song Rating Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$SONG_RATING_FORM_URL} The URL link to the “rating.php” script that will launch the “rate form” interface.
{$SONG_RATING_NUMBER} The number of times the song has been rated.
{$SONG_RATING_AVERAGE} The Average value of the ratings the song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_1} The number of “1” ratings the song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_2} The number of “2” ratings the song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_3} The number of “3” ratings the song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_4} The number of “4” ratings the song has received.
{$SONG_RATING_5} The number of “5” ratings the song has received.

Quota Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$QUOTA_ID} The numerical Jamroom Quota ID of the quota the Artist Account belongs to.
{$QUOTA_NAME} The name of the Jamroom Quota the Artist Account belongs to.
{$QUOTA_DISK} The amount of disk space the Artist Account is allowed (number).
{$QUOTA_MAX} The number of song slots the Artist Account quota allows (set to 0 if Quota is limited by disk space).
{$QUOTA_MESSAGE} yes/no if the Artist Account is allowed to create messages.
{$QUOTA_SEARCH} yes/no if the Artist Account is allowed to be found in searches.
{$QUOTA_RADIO} yes/no if the Artist Account is allowed to have Radio Stations.
{$QUOTA_STORE} yes/no if the Artist Account is allowed to have a Jamroom Store.
{$QUOTA_RATE} yes/no if the Artist Account is allowed to have Songs and Artist ratings.
{$QUOTA_REMRATE} yes/no if the Artist Account is allowed to be rated by remote site.
{$QUOTA_CALENDAR} yes/no if the Artist Account is allowed to have an Artist Calendar.
{$QUOTA_COMMENTS} yes/no if the Artist Account has Artist/Song comments allowed in their Jamroom Quota.

Jamroom Cluster Server Variables

Variable Replacement Description
{$SERVER_ID} Numerical ID of the server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_IP} IP Address of the server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_NAME} Server Name as defined in Create/Modify Server that the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
{$SERVER_URL} URL to Jamroom Cluster Server the Artist Page is located on (only set if running a Jamroom Cluster Server)
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