Before attempting to install Jamroom, please ensure that the server you plan on putting Jamroom on supports these requirements:
PHP version 4.3.0 or newer.
MySQL database installed and working with your PHP installation. 1)
A web server (preferably the Apache Web Server) configured to work correctly with PHP and MySQL.
- Jamroom will not work on Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Server) version 5.0 and older.
Once you have download Jamroom and made sure that your server meets the Jamroom requirements, you then need to decide the method that you will install by:
FTP install (most common).
SSH install (less common but recommended if possible).
Chances are if you are hosting your site through an Internet web host, then you will only have FTP access to your account, so please follow the FTP Installation instructions. If you DO have the capability to SSH into your server (i.e. using an SSH client like PuTTY), then you can utilize the Jamroom script to help make the setup easier. Follow the SSH Installation instructions below to install Jamroom.
FTP Installation
Skip to the "Completing Your Installation" section to finish installing Jamroom.
SSH Installation
Upload the latest version of Jamroom to the web server root directory on your server. This is typically the "public_html", "httpdocs" or "www" directory within your home directory. If unsure of where to place your web site files, you will need to contact your web hosting provider.
Log in to your server via SSH and change directory to the location you placed the downloaded Jamroom distribution:
cd /home/yourname/public_html
Note that the version you downloaded may be named differently - make sure and use the correct name of the version you downloaded. You will now see a new directory that is named the same as the Jamroom version (i.e. jamroom-2.67) created within the current directory.
mv jamroom-2.67 jamroom
cd jamroom
and answer the question to the number of artist accounts you would like to PRE-BUILD for. Note that this number has no correlation to the maximum number of artists your Jamroom will support - it is just a convenient script for pre-creating the directories with the correct permissions 2). You can come back and run this script at any time without impacting your Jamroom installation.
Completing your installation
Now make sure and follow these common steps to ensure Jamroom is configured correctly on your server:
Start up your favorite web browser and load the install.php page. For example, if you put jamroom in the directory
(and /var/www/html is your website “base” directory) - you would then enter:
into the URL Location Bar of your web browser.
Once you have everything setup on the server end, and you have loaded up the install.php script in your web browser, you need to fill in some variables in order to “set up” Jamroom so that it can talk to the MySQL database. Fill in the following values:
SERVER NAME - you should be able to leave this at the default “localhost”, however if you are having issues connecting to the database, you may need to put your webhost’s server name in here. Contact your webhost provider for the name of the server your site is located on (or use the UNIX uname -n command if you have a shell login).
DATABASE NAME - this is the name of the MySQL database that Jamroom will use to build its tables in. Note that more often than not it is the same as your User Name you use to login to your webhost with. If you don’t know your DATABASE NAME, then contact your webhost provider for the information. NOTE: All of the Jamroom database tables begin with “jamroom_” by default, but this can be changed in the jamroom/config/settings.cfg.php BEFORE installation.
DATABASE USER NAME - This is the user name you use to connect to the MySQL database with - usually is the same as your DATABASE NAME or User Name you use to login to your website with.
DATABASE PASSWORD - This is the password for the DATABASE USER NAME.
ADMIN USER NAME - Internally within Jamroom there is a “Master Admin” account that is created - this account has the ability to create new bands, delete bands, create users, etc. There is ONLY ONE Master Admin account. The name you choose to use here will become the Master Admin account user name. Feel free to leave it at the default “admin”.
ADMIN PASSWORD and REPEAT PASSWORD - put in a password for the Master Admin account. It is highly recommended you use a hard-to-guess password consisting of letters and numbers.
View the Jamroom License and ensure that you agree with it in its ENTIRETY. Note that Jamroom is NOT FREE software, so please read the license.
Press the “Install Jamroom” button. Jamroom will now verify and create all of the necessary MySQL tables for it to function. Note that this process can take up to 60 seconds to run on loaded server, so please be patient while each table is created and validated.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If your PHP installation is running in CGI mode (you can tell from the PHP Information screen on the Admin Menu - look in the “Server API” section. It will say something like “CGI” or “suexec” if you are running in CGI mode), then you will need to modify 2 values in the jamroom/config/settings.cfg.php file. They look like this:
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # EXTRA PATH and FILENAME settings #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # permissions - by default, Jamroom will create new folders with the # permissions set with the following settings. NOTE: do NOT use # quotes around this value or it will not work. $config['directory_mode'] = 0777; # file permissions mode - by default, Jamroom will create all new files # with the permissions that are provided here. NOTE: do NOT use any # quotes (single or double) around this value or it will not work. $config['file_mode'] = 0666;
You will then need to set the “directory mode” to 0755 and the “file_mode” to 0644 - that will make Jamroom create new directories and files with the correct permissions to work with PHP running in CGI mode.
Your Jamroom is now installed and ready to go!
1) Special Note: Jamroom will NOT install correctly on a MySQL 5.0 server that has STRICT_TRANS_TABLES/STRICT_ALL_TABLES enabled. 3) this is VERY important to do if your PHP install is running in Safe Mode