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Welcome to the Jamroom Marketplace! The Jamroom Marketplace is where you will find dozens of add-on solutions created exclusively for Jamroom by third party Jamroom Developers and Designers. If you have any questions about a product in the Jamroom Marketplace, feel free to post in the Third Party Products and Support Forum. Please note that most of the products listed in the Jamroom Marketplace are not created/supported by Talldude Networks LLC. - if you have any questions, please make sure and contact the Marketplace item provider.
Provided By: The Jamroom Network
paCritique adds up to five configurable reviewer/critic qualification questions to your Jamroom comment forms. Questions are answerable in either input, textarea, select, yesno or checkbox form fields. Different questions can be configured for all Jamroom comment types (band, song, video etc.) as well as comments on custom module items. Click on the 'More Info' button.
Requires License:
Power Pack


(Purchase through
The Jamroom Network)

Browse Items by Category
 • Jamroom 4 Modules
 • Jamroom Addons
 • Jamroom Bridges
 • Jamroom Full Skins
 • Jamroom Players
 • Jamroom Players - Replacement Sets
 • Jamroom Services
 • All marketplace Products
Browse Items by Provider
 • BillingTimePro
 • DS Custom Players
 • Kyro Ink, LLC
 • MQN Productions
 • Nasthon Systems
 • OpenInviter
 • Pants and Stars
 • Prayas Digital
 • Qikstudios
 • The Jamroom Network
 • Ultrabubble
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