Viewing the Jamroom PHP Error Log
With the release of Jamroom 3, Jamroom moved to a more secure way of recording and viewing PHP Errors that might arise when working in your Jamroom. By default, Jamroom 3 will NOT display a PHP error that it has encountered, as this prevents details about your server from being viewed on the Internet. When a PHP error is encountered, however, the result is often a blank white screen.
To view any PHP Errors that might have happened while running Jamroom, you will see a small "PHP Error Log" link in the Admin Menu:
Tip: If you do not see a link to the PHP Error Log, it means that there are no PHP Errors to report at this time. Note that if you have the Jamroom Cluster and Conversion Server installed, the link to the PHP Error Log always shows - it will also include buttons in it to view the PHP Error Log on your Cluster servers. |
If you are unable to view the Master Admin Menu in Jamroom, the error log can be found via FTP at jamroom/logs/jr_php_error_log - you can download it using any FTP client and view it in a text editor. The newest errors will be located at the bottom of the file.
Troubleshooting PHP Errors
The most likely causes of PHP Errors in your Jamroom are:
1. You have made modifications to the templates in your Jamroom, and have created a syntax error in one of your templates. This type of error will look something like this:
[20-Aug-2006 16:00:17] PHP Fatal error: Smarty error: [in /home/htdocs/test/skins/Cobalt/jr_index.tpl line 7]: syntax error: unexpected {else} (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 468) in /home/htdocs/test/include/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1095
The "clue" here is the in error text:
Smarty error: [in /home/htdocs/test/skins/Cobalt/jr_index.tpl line 7]: syntax error: unexpected {else}
You can see the line number (7), and the template file (jr_index.tpl) that is reporting the error. You want to fix the syntax error, and your page should begin showing again.
2. You have not uploaded all of the Jamroom PHP scripts correctly, or they have become corrupted during transfer to your server. This is actually more common then it may seem - there are quite a few low quality FTP transfer programs out there, and still more low quality ones built into Web and HTML editors. It is highly recommended that you use a quality FTP client, like the free and superb "FileZilla". This can save you a lot of headaches as it will ensure your files are transferred to your server correctly.
3. The third issue that can cause this problem is lack of proper PHP support on your server - i.e. your PHP Install is missing components, or has reduced functionality due to the restrictions placed on your server by your hosting provider. You should see errors that indicate this in your Jamroom PHP Error Log, and you will want to contact your hosting provider to see if they help you by fixing and/or changing the PHP installation on your server.
If you are unable to fix the problem, please feel post your issue in the Jamroom User Support forums, along with any errors you have found in your Jamroom PHP Error Log.