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Aparna License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1.4   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 06/26/11 22:34
File Size: 103.5 kb
Aparna is a 'chameleon' module that can be configured to allow uploads of new 'Jamroom Things'!

'Things' can be Classified Ads, Photo Albums, Blog posts with multiple photos, Reviews, or any additional items that your Jamroom site may require.

You can define a new Jamroom item or 'thing' with any number of associated fields (input, date, select, textarea, yesno, checkbox) and photos. Users can then upload 'things' in the same way they upload songs, blogs, images etc. from within their CP. Uploaded things can be displayed in skin and theme templates with ranking calls and by theme generations, the same as other JR items.

Visit the Aparna Support and Demo Page for more information, installation, configuration and template development instructions.


Aparna now has for 'pre-configured' modules to clone that can be used 'out of the box'.

  • BlogsExtra - When cloned, the BlogsExtra module will optionally give your users access to a Blogs feature that provides fields for Blog Title, Category, Blog Text, and up to 4 Blog Image uploads.

  • Review - When cloned, the Review module will optionally give your users access to a feature that allows them to generate 'Product Reviews'. It provides fields for Product Name, Product Manufacturer, Product Description, Product Category, Product Price, one Image upload, and the actual Product Review.

  • Classifieds - When cloned, the Classifieds module will optionally give your users access to a feature that allows them to generate 'Classified Ads'. It provides fields for Item Name, Item Description, Item Category, Seller Contact Details, Seller Location, Item Price, up to six Image uploads, and a text area for Further Information.

  • MiniPhotoAlbum - When cloned, the MiniPhotoAlbum module will optionally give your users access to a feature that allows them to generate 'mini Photo Albums'. It provides fields for Album Name, Album Description and up to twelve Album Image uploads.

Requires Jamroom License: Power Pack

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