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Template Variable Modifiers for use in Jamroom Templates Index {jr_admin_menu}

Besides being able to use the "standard" set of Smarty Template Functions (check out the online Smarty documentation for details), Jamroom comes with an extensive set of custom Template Functions that help you when using and customizing your Jamroom templates.

The following Template Functions have been created for your use in Jamroom Templates:

{jr_admin_menu} Create a Control Panel Menu in a Control Panel template
{jr_advert} Embed an Advertisement created in the Jamroom Ad Manager. ****
{jr_also_bought} Embed a "Also Bought" block into a Jamroom Template. ***
{jr_array} Add variables and values to a template array
{jr_barcode} Create a bar code image. ***
{jr_birthday} Show a small block with users birthdays in it
{jr_blog} Include a blog message or messages into a template (deprecated)
{jr_calendar} Embed a calendar or list of events into a template
{jr_cart} Display contents of users Jamroom Cart in template. ***
{jr_chart} Embed a Jamroom Advanced Chart into a template. *1
{jr_comment} Embed Comments into a Jamroom template. **
{jr_contact} Embed an Artist/Member contact form into a template.
{jr_counter} Embed a hidden page counter into a template.
{jr_counts} Add a visible "count" to a page showing the number of various Jamroom items.
{jr_create_directory} Function for creating custom sub directories and processing templates
{jr_custom_skin} Create necessary CSS Link to Custom Profile Theme CSS file in Profile directory. **
{jr_downloads} Show recent users that have download media files. **
{jr_embed_player_code} Template function used for displaying the HTML code used to embed a Jamroom audio/video flash player into an external page.
{jr_favorite} Create links for user to add audio/video to their Favorites.
{jr_feed_reader} Embed an RSS Feed into a Jamroom Template.
{jr_fetch} Use in place of the Smarty {fetch} function on systems that have the PHP allow_url_fopen setting disabled
{jr_flash_player} Embed a Jamroom XSPF Flash Player in a Jamroom templates. **
{jr_form_captcha} Embed a CAPTCHA image into a Jamroom Template.
{jr_forum_online} Embed a "whos online" list for a given Profile forum into a Template. **
{jr_forum_topics} Embed a list of "Hot Topics" from a profile forum into a Template. **
{jr_google_ad} Embed a Google Adsense Ad into a Jamroom Template.
{jr_google_analytics} Embed Javascript code to track page in Google Analytics.
{jr_graph} Embed a Jamroom System Stats graph into a Jamroom Template.
{jr_gravatar} Embed a "Globally Recognized Avatar" from Gravatar into a Jamroom Template.
{jr_html_ad} Embed a Template based Advertisement into a Jamroom Template with automatic rotation.
{jr_html_select} Embed an HTML <select> drop-down list, using data loaded from an external cfg file
{jr_lang_prepare} Prepare a Template for language string conversions.
{jr_lang} Show a language converted string in a Template
{jr_logged_in} Check Logged in status of a Viewer in a Jamroom Template.
{jr_media_access} Control access to audio and video media based on Jamroom Quota Settings.
{jr_not_logged_in} Check if a viewer is NOT logged in in a Jamroom Template.
{jr_online} Create a whos online list for a Profile.
{jr_page_history} Store and Display view history for a user as they navigate through Jamroom.
{jr_playlist} Embed the contents of a Jamroom Radio Station playlist into a Jamroom template
{jr_quicktime_player} Embed a Quicktime Audio player into a Jamroom Skin Template.
{jr_random_number} Create a random number of a Jamroom Template.
{jr_ranking} Embed the output of a Jamroom Ranking System call into a Jamroom template
{jr_rating} Embed a Jamroom Rating System form or results in a Jamroom template
{jr_rating_form} Create form/image to save/display current Rating for a Jamroom item.
{jr_rating_image} Display a Rating in image or HTML form inside a Template.
{jr_submit_digg} Create URL to submit current page to Digg.
{jr_submit_reddit} Create URL to submit current page to Reddit.
{jr_search} Embed a Jamroom Search "retrieve" call into a Jamroom template. *
{jr_unique_block} Ensures a block only appears once even if in a looped row template
{jr_user_check} Check viewing User Profile for information.
{jr_user_data} Set/Retrieve User Data for the viewing User profile.
{jr_user_online} Check the online status of a given User.
{jr_whos_online} Embed a "Whos Online" block into a Jamroom template
{jr_windows_media_player} Embed a Windows Media Player for audio/video into a Jamroom Template.

* - Requires Jamroom Bonus Pack
** - Requires Jamroom Power Pack
*** - Requires Jamroom Payment Pack
**** - Requires Jamroom Ad Manager

Template Variable Modifiers for use in Jamroom Templates page 94 of 171 {jr_admin_menu}
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