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Creating Custom Login Notes

By default, Jamroom only comes with one (1) “Login Note”, and it is only viewable by the Jamroom Master Admin. Its very easy however to add additional Login Notes that can be tailored to the Artist’s Jamroom Quota. This allows you to present 1 note to your “free account” Users upon logging in (i.e. maybe a page letting them know about the benefits of upgrading to a paid account), while at the same time offering a completely separate page that is viewed upon login by your “premium” Jamroom Users (who have their Artist Account in a different Jamroom Quota).

For example, lets say your “Free Account” Jamroom Artists were using Quota ID “2” 1) and your “Premium Account” Artists were using Quota ID “3”. You would create 2 files in your jamroom/templates/login directory:


Within the “login_note_2.tpl” you would place the HTML and text you would want the Users who were assigned to Artists with the Quota ID 2 to see, and within the “login_note_3.tpl” you would place the HTML and text you want your “Premium Account” users to see.

Note that the Login Note templates are Smarty templates, so they are very configurable. The following variables are assigned for your use in the templates as well:

Variable Description
{$USER_ID} The Jamroom User_ID Number of the user - i.e. “25”
{$USER_BAND_ID} The Artist_ID the User is associated with (Note that this ID number will change to reflect the current artist id number that user is associated to if the user has access to more than 1 artist account)
{$USER_GROUP_ID} This (typically) is the same as the {$USER_BAND_ID} for users who are only associated with 1 artist account, otherwise it will be a semi-colon separated lists of Artist_ID’s the user has access to.
{$USER_CREATED} This is the time the User Account was created, in Epoch Time (use the Smarty date_format modifier to format to desired date format)
{$USER_UPDATED} This is the time the User Account was last updated, in Epoch Time (use the Smarty date_format modifier to format to desired date format)
{$USER_FULLNAME} This is the User’s Fullname, as entered on the “Your Profile” section.
{$USER_NICKNAME} This is the User’s login name that they use to log in to Jamroom with.
{$USER_EMAILADR} This is the User’s Email Address as entered in the “Your Profile” section.
{$USER_HOMEPAGE} This is the User’s Homepage as entered in the “Your Profile” section.
{$USER_IMNUMBER} This is the User’s Instant Messenger ID/Number as entered in the “Your Profile” section.
{$USER_LANGUAGE} This is the LANGUAGE file that the user currently has selected as their interface language. note this will be the same NAME as the filename for the language file - i.e. “english.lang.php”
{$USER_STYLE} This is the users currently selected Admin Skin - i.e. “Jamroom_Blue.css”
{$SYSTEM_NAME} The name of the Jamroom System (as set in the Jamroom Config)
{$DEFAULT_LANGUAGE} the default language for the system (as set in the Jamroom Config) - i.e. “english.lang.php”
{$BAND_ID} the numeric Jamroom ID of the artist (i.e. “5”)
{$BAND_QUOTA} the numerical ID of the Jamroom Quota the artist account belongs to
{$BAND_TIME} date artist was created (EPOCH) (i.e. 1059951557)
{$BAND_NAME} Name of the artist
{$BAND_URL} The alternate Artist URL as entered in the Modify Artist section.
{$BAND_STORY} The artists background information
{$BAND_MEMBERS} The members that belong to the Artist, as entered in the Modify Artist section.
{$BAND_LOCATION} The artists location (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_WEBSITE} The artists website (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_INFLUENCE} the Artist’s Influences (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$BAND_SOUNDLIKE} What the Artist Sounds Like (as entered in Modify Artist)
{$TOTAL_STREAM} The total number of song Streams for the Artist.
{$TOTAL_DOWNLOAD} The total number of Downloads for the Artist.
{$TOTAL_COUNT} The total number of song Streams + Downloads for the Artist.

1) you can find out the Jamroom Quota ID by clicking on “Modify Quota” in the Admin Menu and selecting the quota you want to see the ID for

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