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Jamroom SoundCloud Seamless Module

Jamroom SoundCloud Seamless Module License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.4   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 03/02/14 20:36
File Size: 120.5 kb
Jamroom paSCSeamless Module

Revision History

  • 20120218 V1.0.0 Original Release

  • 20130405 V1.0.2 Nova theme sample template bug fixes

  • 20130423 V1.0.3 Hide track bug fix

  • 20130908 V1.0.4 Try file_get_contents if CURL fails added


  • The paSCSeamless module provides users with seamless integration of both their uploaded 'regular' songs, and embedded SoundCloud songs on both the user profile, and skin song pages

  • When users click on their 'Create Song' button, they get the choice of uploading either a regular song, or a SoundCloud song and are subsequently directed to the respective similar looking form page

  • After uploading an embedded SoundCloud song, it is treated as a regular song and can be modified, arranged and deleted in the same manner as, and alongside of regular songs

  • User access to this module is artist quota controlled

Module Installation

  • Copy the paSCSeamless.php and the 'modules' folder to your Jamroom directory

  • Log into Jamroom as admin, go to the Module Config page and enable the paSCSeamless module

  • Installation should now be complete, however, if not running Jamroom V4.1.5 or later, you may need to run the Integrity Check to install this module correctly

Skin and Theme Templates

  • In order to show SoundCloud songs in the skin and user profile pages, templates need to be modified

  • Included with this module are the modified template for the 'stock' Nova skin and theme

  • If you are running the above 'stock' skin and theme, just copy the templates from this package as appropriate

  • If you are running the above 'stock' skin and theme that have only had their CSS files changed as a colour scheme, say, it should be OK to copy these modified files, BUT BE SURE TO BACKUP FIRST

  • If you are not running stock skins and themes, or have modified your song templates in any way, check out the included templates to see what is required - basically, whenever the song image, or a link to a popup player, or an embedded player is required, the relevant template code is wrapped in the conditional statement {if is_numeric($SONG_SOUNDCLOUD_ID)}{else}{/if} and the appropriate Song code put in the 'if' section, and the original template code in the 'else' section - copy and paste the Song code from one of the supplied modified templates - BE SURE TO BACKUP FIRST

Upgrading This Module

  • Overwrite all your previously uploaded module files with those in the latest release.

  • Log into your Jamroom site as 'Admin' and if prompted to do so, run the Integrity Check

Module Configuration

  • By default, all your artist quotas will be configured with this module disabled - the enable/disable option is in the quota Media Support section

  • By default, all your artist quotas will be configured to allow uploads of both SoundCloud and regular songs - the 'SoundCloud Songs Only' option is in the quota Media Support section and if set, only SoundCloud songs will be uploadable

  • Go to the Config Modules section and click on the module settings button. A page is displayed where you can configure all the module options - You should not need to change the SoundCloud Tracks URL settings at this time

  • In order to use this module, perform the following steps to register this application with SoundCloud -

    • Goto http://soundcloud.com and create an account with SoundCloud

    • Confirm your registration email and log into SoundCloud

    • Goto http://soundcloud.com/you/apps and register a new application

    • Name the new application (your Jamroom site name, say) and enter your Jamroom site URL as the re-direct URL, then save the application

    • Make a note of your SoundCloud Client ID and Secret

    • In your Admin Control Panel, goto Admin Options => System Config => System Modules and click on the paSCSeamless Settings button

    • Enter the above Client ID and Secret codes into the relevent fields and click on 'Update Settings'


  • Email any questions, comments or suggestions to paul@paulasher.com, or post on the Module's Jamroom Forum Thread

- Paul Asher
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

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