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paCombiRank License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.2   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 03/02/14 13:17
File Size: 16.7 kb
The Module Ranking Call

  • {jr_ranking mode="paCombiRank" . . . Optional variables here - See below . . . }

  • paCombiRank_mode - Can be action, band or artist, member, blog or message, channel, comment, content, event, photo or image, radio, song, store, user, vault, video. When using combinations, set them up as an array.

  • band_id - Can specify a single band_id, or multiple ones configured as an array

  • quota_id - Can specify a single quota_id, or multiple ones configured as an array

  • search_area/search_string - Can specify a single area/string pair, or multiple ones configured as an array. Note that when searching, rows will be returned should there be any occurance of the search string in the specified field.

  • Now includes smarty functions paCombiRank_event_time_params, paCombiRank_song_genre, and paCombiRank_video_genre -

    • {paCombiRank_event_time_params event_time=$EVENT_TIME assign="_et"} - Returns {$EVENT_HOUR24}, {$EVENT_MINUTE}, {$EVENT_DAY}, {$EVENT_MONTH}, {$EVENT_YEAR}, {$EVENT_AMPM}, {$EVENT_WDAY_SHORT}, {$EVENT_WDAY_LONG}, {$EVENT_MONTH_SHORT} and {$EVENT_MONTH_LONG}

    • {paCombiRank_song_genre genre_id=$SONG_GENRE} - Returns the song genre name

    • {paCombiRank_video_genre genre_id=$VIDEO_GENRE} - Returns the video genre name

  • Regular Jamroom ranking options show, pagebreak, pagenum and template specifications are also supported.

  • Template Variables Returned - As well as the regular template variables, dependant upon the mode selected, the following 'common' variables are returned and can be used in simple row templates to show basic information for any of the modes without resorting to conditional statements

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_MODE} - The specified mode

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_ID} - The band, song, video etc. ID

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_TIME} - Time created

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_UPDATE} - Time updated

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_NAME} - The band, song, video etc. name or title

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_MORE} - This is selected further information eg. band_story, message_text, video_caption etc.

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_COMMENT_COUNT} - The band, song, video etc. comment count

    • {$PACOMBIRANK_RATING_1} - The band, song, video etc. rating parameters







    • {$PACOMBIRANK_IMAGE_NAME} - The band, song, video etc. image parameters







  • order - The follow order values are supported (where applicable)

    • 1 - Order by name A-Z

    • 2 - Order by name Z-A

    • 3 - Order by time created ASC

    • 4 - Order by time created DESC

    • 5 - Order by time updated ASC

    • 6 - Order by time updated DESC

    • 7 - Order by rating average ASC

    • 8 - Order by rating average DESC

    • 9 - Order by rating number ASC

    • 10 - Order by rating number DESC

    • 11 - Order by comment count ASC

    • 12 - Order by comment count DESC

    • 13 - Order randomly

Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

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