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paCritique License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 01/11/13 17:38
File Size: 51 kb
Try this module out for yourself - Goto the Jamroom paCritique Module Installation and Configuration and click on the 'Comments' link on the right, or go to the 'Songs' or Videos' pages and click on the 'Reviews' links.

paCritique adds up to five configurable reviewer/critic qualification questions to your Jamroom comment forms. Questions are answerable in either input, textarea, select, yesno or checkbox form fields. Different questions can be configured for all Jamroom comment types (band, song, video etc.) as well as comments on custom module items. Submitted answers are saved in a custom comment table field and can be recalled for use in 'comment_row' templates by a custom smarty call supplied with this module.
Requires Jamroom License: Power Pack

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