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paAcclaim Module

paAcclaim Module License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.1
Updated: 08/17/10 17:41
File Size: 22.3 kb
The module calculates Artist and Member popularity, or their 'Acclaim' by calculating a value between 0 and 100 based on a number of parameters. The current list of parameters optionally included is Song Hifi Streams, Song Hifi Downloads, Song Lofi Streams, Song Lofi Downloads, Video Streams, Video Downloads, Fans, Vault Items Sold, Page Views, Comment Count and Rating Count. All of the above parameters are individually 'weighted' by admin so that the results can be tailored to the site's objectives. Overall Member and Artist results can also be scaled. The result and position for each Artist/Member is stored in custom fields in the band_info table so that it can be included as part of a normal ranking call. Daily results for all Artist and Members are archived in another custom database table and module ranking is included so as to show this table, or parts of it, on your site. The module performs this calculation for all artists and updates tables daily.
Visit http://www.paulasher.com/paAcclaimSupport for more info and demo.

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