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Jamroom Support Tickets Module

Jamroom Support Tickets Module License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.4.3   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 08/05/12 11:52
File Size: 61.7 kb

paSupportTickets Demo and Support Site

Site login - demo / demo

Login as an 'Admin User' (see below). You can send Tickets to yourself, then answer them so as to see this module from both sides!!

With this module installed on your Jamroom site, non logged in visitors can also create Support Tickets. See - http://paulasher.com/?t=ticket

Revision History

  • 09/02/10 V1.0.0 Original Release
  • 12/02/10 V1.0.1 Bug fix - On installation, custom user field not being set correctly
  • 17/02/10 V1.1.0 Added Features - Option to send PMs as well as Emails. Ticket Priority in PM/Email subject and body (when sent to admin only). Ticket IDs with configurable prefix. All of table row in bold if ticket needs a response.
  • 31/03/10 V1.2.0 Added Features - Admin Ticket Search, Admin View all Tickets ordering by selected field, acsending and descending, Pagination for the View Tickets page (admin and user), New text area field for 'Admin Notes', Jamroom Ranking, Smarty Count function, User Ticket acknowledement emails
  • 08/01/11 V1.3.0
  • 05/09/11 V1.3.1 View Thicket Thread now shows admin nickname against responses
  • 11/11/11 V1.4.0 Files can now be uploaded with posts. Max file size and extensions set by quota. Ticket priority options now set by quota.
  • 18/11/11 V1.4.1 Generating 'visitor' support tickets now supports recaptcha image validation.
  • 25/11/11 V1.4.2 New sample templates for visitor support tickets. Ticket file uploads now cluster friendly.


  • The paSupportTickets module add a support ticketing system to your, and your users' Jamroom Control Panel
  • Support Tickets can be enabled by quota and are available to both artist and member accounts
  • Emails can optionally be sent to both admins (see below) and users on receipt of a ticket
  • Configurable ticket types (Billing, Technical, Complaints etc.) with different admin email addresses
  • Configurable Ticket priorities (low, medium,high etc.)
  • Configurable 'Notice' displayed to users when opening a ticket ("Before posting a new ticket, please read our FAQs", say)
  • Optional auto-closing of tickets after a selectable number of days inactivity
  • Optional file upload with posts

Module Installation

  • Copy the paSupportTickets.php file and the 'modules' folder to your Jamroom directory
  • Log into Jamroom as admin, go to the Module Config page and enable this module
  • Installation should now be complete, however, if not running Jamroom V4.1.5 or later, you may need to run the Integrity Check to install this module correctly

Upgrading This Module

  • Overwrite all your previously uploaded module files with those in the latest release.
  • Log into your Jamroom site as 'Admin' and if prompted to do so, run the Integrity Check

Module Configuration

  • By default, all your artist and member quotas will be configured with this module enabled
  • If you want to disable this module's function for specific artist quotas, the option is in the quota configuration 'Extras' menu
  • Go to the Config Modules section and click on the module settings button. A page is displayed where you can configure all the options described the the above Overview

Database Schema

  • This module adds one field to the quota table, four fields to the settings table and two database tables

Module Usage

  • When logged into their Jamroom Control Panel artists and members will see a 'Support Tickets' menu section. Options are Open Ticket and View Tickets (view info and status of all their past tickets)
  • In the Admin Tools section is the Support Tickets Manager where Admin can view all ticket info, modify their status and respond to tickets


  • Visit the Jamroom Marketplace
  • The PaSupportTickets Module is licenced per Jamroom installation, ie. you may install the purchased copy on one Jamroom site only


  • Email any questions, comments or suggestions to paul@paulasher.com, or post on the Module's Jamroom Forum Thread

We hope you enjoy using the Jamroom Support Tickets module! 

- Paul Asher

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