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Jamroom 4 Modules

Jamroom 4 modules are no longer for sale, and do not work with Jamroom 5!

Recurring Events Module

Recurring Events Module License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.3.4
Updated: 03/29/14 18:07
File Size: 21 kb
The paRecurringEvents module allows your artists to create regular events with a single click - ideal for residencies or regular DJ slots. All event information is copied and only the event date is changed according to a user selectable 'rule' (daily, weekly, monthly, first Saturday of the month etc.). Optional event synchronisation. All events can still be modified or deleted individually.

Jamroom YouTube Seamless Module (paYTSeamless)

Jamroom YouTube Seamless Module (paYTSeamless) License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1.2   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 03/02/14 20:37
File Size: 311.4 kb
paYTSeamless provides users with seamless integration of their uploaded 'regular' videos, and embedded YouTube videos on user profiles, & skin video pages. Additional user function to search for YouTube videos, and selectively import the results. Admin tools to import videos from previously installed jrYouTube and paYouTubePlus modules plus a validity check. NOTE - Jamroom Power Pack is required to use this module.
Requires Jamroom License: Power Pack

Jamroom SoundCloud Seamless Module

Jamroom SoundCloud Seamless Module License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.4   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 03/02/14 20:36
File Size: 120.5 kb
The paSCSeamless module provides users with seamless integration of both their uploaded 'regular' songs, and embedded Soundcloud tracks on both the user profile, and skin pages. When users click on their 'Create Song' button, they get the choice of uploading either a regular, or a Soundcloud track.
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core


paCombiRank License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.2   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 03/02/14 13:17
File Size: 16.7 kb
The paCombiRank module allows ranking of combinations of 'modes' - band, song, video, blog etc. in a single Jamroom ranking call. Can be used to show all of an Artist's media items, in a selected order, on a single profiles page.
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom Vimeo Seamless Module (paVimeoSeamless)

Jamroom Vimeo Seamless Module (paVimeoSeamless) License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.0.0)
Updated: 07/08/13 08:35
File Size: 291.3 kb
paVimeoSeamless provides users with seamless integration of their uploaded 'regular' videos, and embedded Vimeo videos on user profiles, & skin video pages. Additional user function to search for Vimeo videos, and selectively import the results. Admin validity check tool included. NOTE - Jamroom Power Pack is required to use this module.
Requires Jamroom License: Power Pack


jrEmailLogin Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 04/07/13 15:40
File Size: 57.6 kb
A module to allow registration and login with email instead of username.

An account
is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core


paCritique License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 01/11/13 17:38
File Size: 51 kb
paCritique adds up to five configurable reviewer/critic qualification questions to your Jamroom comment forms. Questions are answerable in either input, textarea, select, yesno or checkbox form fields. Different questions can be configured for all Jamroom comment types (band, song, video etc.) as well as comments on custom module items. Click on the 'More Info' button.
Requires Jamroom License: Power Pack

Censor Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.3)
Updated: 11/06/12 01:56
File Size: 10.5 kb
Allows the admin to check on recent posts in the system. And TOTALLY remove the account that created them if they look like a spammer.

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Prune Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.3)
Updated: 11/06/12 01:52
File Size: 10.5 kb
The Prune module allows the admin to delete members in bulk.

There are a couple of filter options, then checkboxes. Be Careful!! Don't install it unless you need it.

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core


paCommentEdit Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.2   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 09/11/12 07:40
File Size: 30.7 kb
The paCommentEdit module allows your users to easily view, edit and delete any comments they have made about your Artists and Members

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Power Pack

Jamroom Support Tickets Module

Jamroom Support Tickets Module License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.4.3   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 08/05/12 11:52
File Size: 61.7 kb
When installed on your Jamroom site, this module adds a user support ticketing system. From their Control Panel, users can submit, view and respond to tickets, request help, report problems etc. Multiple Admins optionally have access to the 'Support Ticket Manager' to viewed, responded to, edit, and delete.

Jamroom Mobile

Jamroom Mobile License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.3.5   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.3)
Updated: 07/13/12 14:23
File Size: 67.6 kb
The Jamroom Mobile Module adds a Mobile Site to your Jamroom for your viewers that are coming to your Jamroom using the latest Smart phones (i.e. iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry, Opera Mobile, etc.). It is 100% template based so can be modified to suit your look and feel, and features real Mobile Streaming of audio (i.e. the user does not have to wait for the entire MP3 to download before it starts to play) on tho...

A/B Page Split Test

A/B Page Split Test License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: ver1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.3)
Updated: 02/16/12 10:42
File Size: 35.7 kb
This module allows you to test version A of a page offer against version B of a page offer to see which converts best.
Adtrackz contains code to split test incoming links, while this module will Split Test templates.
This module is included in the 'Jamroom Affiliate Marketing Pack'.
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom Affiliate Marketing Pack

Jamroom Affiliate Marketing Pack License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: ver17   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.3)
Updated: 02/16/12 10:29
File Size: 5.09 mb
A pack containing:

Adtrackz - Know how much one customer is worth.
Affiliate - Pay others to send you customers.
Graphs - View your successes.
A/B Page Split Test - Increase your Conversion rate.

Oinkba skins are affiliate module ready
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core


GigLodgeClient Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 02/07/12 12:51
File Size: 39 kb
The GigLodgeClient module allows you and your users (bands only) to submit calendar events to the GigLodge Gig Archive. GigLodge is a community driven archive of all live music with geolocated gigs and venues.

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is required to download


paRate License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.4   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 10/02/11 20:59
File Size: 169.7 kb
The paRate module provides up to five "5 Star" ratings (and associated 'editable' rating legends) for every Jamroom item (songs, videos, bands etc.). It can also be configured to rate custom module items, eg. jrYouTube or any other item where the custom module creates a database table for its items.
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core


Aparna License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1.4   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 06/26/11 22:34
File Size: 103.5 kb
The Aparna module can be configured to allow uploads of new 'Jamroom Things'! 'Things' can be Classified Ads, Photo Albums, Blog posts with multiple photos, or any other additional items that your JR site may require. You can define a new Jamroom 'thing' with any number of associated fields (input, date, select, textarea, yesno, checkbox) and photos.
Now includes 4 pre-configured modules - Click on 'More Info'
Requires Jamroom License: Power Pack

Jamroom Mad Mimi

Jamroom Mad Mimi Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.2.0
Updated: 06/16/11 16:42
File Size: 24.7 kb
This is the Jamroom Mad Mimi module, which allows you to import and synchronize your Jamroom Newsletter with Mad Mimi. Mad Mimi is a nice interface for sending Email Newsletters, and compliments the Jamroom Newsletter Manager. Up to 100 audience members are supported for free as well, so check it out. This is a FREE module for licensed Jamroom Users. Click the "More Info" button for change info.

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom SoundManager2

Jamroom SoundManager2 Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.4.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.0)
Updated: 06/14/11 17:50
File Size: 222.6 kb
The Jamroom SoundManager2 Module adds a new player_type to the {jr_flash_player} template function - "soundmanager". The "soundmanager" player_type will create a button audio player that will work properly on sites requiring A LOT of button players on a single page (flash traditionally has issues with more then 15 flash objects on the same page, and is slow to load).

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom Geo Locate

Jamroom Geo Locate Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.3
Updated: 12/22/10 19:52
File Size: 21.2 kb
This is the Jamroom Geo Locate module (jrGeoLocate) that can be used to identify the (approximate) Geographical location of a viewing user, based on a lookup of their IP Address.

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is required to download


paMaxOnline Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4)
Updated: 12/17/10 19:50
File Size: 38.9 kb
paMaxOnline is a simple module to provide a template smarty function that logs the 'unixtime' of the maximum number of artists, members, visitors online

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core


paMultiUploaderPlus Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.2
Updated: 11/01/10 10:48
File Size: 22.6 kb
This is an enhanced version of the jrMultiUploader module that includes Admin Control Panel configuration for the
number of files that may be uploaded at once, and an Admin Control Panel Tool for scanning all the uploads folders and displaying files older than a specified age (user configurable) with the option of deleting them.

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is required to download

Jamroom Multi Uploader

Jamroom Multi Uploader Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.4)
Updated: 10/29/10 23:24
File Size: 25.2 kb
This is a "Bulk Uploader" module for Jamroom, allowing your users the ability to upload up to 12 media files at a time. Note that the uploaded files will be placed in the profile's uploads directory, so you need to be sure "Allow Imports" is enabled in your Jamroom Quotas. Requires Jamroom 4 and newer - please make sure and read the installation instructions included in the text file inside. Requires a valid Jam...

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

paAcclaim Module

paAcclaim Module License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.1
Updated: 08/17/10 17:41
File Size: 22.3 kb
The module calculates Artist and Member popularity, or 'Acclaim' by calculating a value between 0 and 100 based on a number of optional parameters - Hifi Streams & Downloads, Lofi Streams & Downloads, Video Streams & Downloads, Fans, Items Sold, Views, Comment and Rating Count. All parameters individually 'weighted' by admin to suit the site's objectives. Results displayed by ranking call. Results updated daily.

Jamroom MySpace

Jamroom MySpace Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.2
Updated: 08/03/10 19:32
File Size: 23.6 kb
This is the Jamroom "Post to MySpace" module for Jamroom 4. This small module adds a new template function called {jr_myspace} that can be used in your skin/theme templates. The {jr_myspace} function will add a small "Post to MySpace" button wherever you would like, that will allow a visitor or user to post the linked material to their MySpace page. Details on usage are located in the Read Me.

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom YouTube

Jamroom YouTube Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.4.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2.0)
Updated: 08/03/10 19:31
File Size: 57.1 kb
The Jamroom YouTube module allows your users to embed YouTube videos into a "YouTube" section of their profile.

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is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom Club Guide

Jamroom Club Guide License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.4
Updated: 07/20/10 17:42
File Size: 199.3 kb
The Jamroom Club Guide module adds the ability for your artists and members to add their favorite bars and clubs to a Club Guide Listing. Includes full documentation and templates for integrating into the Cobalt3, Sage, Flashback, Jukebox, JamTube and Nova skins and profile themes.


Search Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 04/13/10 08:09
File Size: 153.9 kb
an integration of GreyWyvern's search script into Jamroom:
This search script provides an alternative to the jamroom search system.


spider your site and returns results from what it finds.
can return more results than the normal search system
easer to create a broad search that searches all areas of th...

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is required to download


Graphs License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.2.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.0.12)
Updated: 03/24/10 11:03
File Size: 4.09 mb
Extra Graphs for Jamroom is a collection of graphs created from the information in your Jamroom database. They are intended to give you a clearer overview of how your Jamroom site is functioning as a business.

Additional Detailed information is available here.
(This module is included with the 'Jamroom Affiliate Marketing Pack')

Jamroom Skeleton
Jamroom Skeleton Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.3
Updated: 10/14/09 21:45
File Size: 34.2 kb
The Jamroom Skeleton module is a "bare-bones" module (or "skeleton" module) for module developers that provides a base set of files to help get you started developing Jamroom Modules in no time! Make sure to check out the ReadMe file inside for a complete list of files/folders included with the module.

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is required to download

Jamroom Full Skins
MediaPro + All Mods (ProPack)

MediaPro + All Mods (ProPack) License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 2.4   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 13:20
File Size: 2.06 mb
MediaPro FULL Skin bundled with ALL modifications..

< Click for More Info

ProJam2 + All Mods (ProPack)

ProJam2 + All Mods (ProPack) License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.5   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 15:13
File Size: 2.74 mb
ProJam2 FULL Skin bundled with ALL modifications..

< Click for More Info

Jamroom Addons
MediaPro Producer Beats

MediaPro Producer Beats License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 13:05
File Size: 15.9 kb
The NEW Ajax Enhanced Producer Beats page is designed for your producers MP3 files with add to cart buttons for each beat file.

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MediaPro Merchandise

MediaPro Merchandise License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 13:01
File Size: 14.9 kb
The MediaPro Merchandise page displays all your artists store items “physical goods”, for instance T-Shirts and CD's.

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MediaPro News System

MediaPro News System License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 12:57
File Size: 24.5 kb
The MediaPro Advanced News System displays a full news entry with comments and attachments including a dedicated search page with Ajax Tabs.

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MediaPro Rappers

MediaPro Rappers License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 12:52
File Size: 23.9 kb
An Ajax enhanced Rappers page for MediaPro with featured, mixes, and top rappers Ajax areas.

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MediaPro Dancers

MediaPro Dancers License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 12:49
File Size: 19.5 kb
A Dancers page set for MediaPro with Ajax enhanced areas including featured dancers, top dancers and an Ajax dancers video area for those who have uploaded videos.

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MediaPro Producers

MediaPro Producers License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 12:42
File Size: 24.2 kb
A Producers page set for MediaPro which includes Ajax enhanced gallery and featured producers.

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MediaPro Labels

MediaPro Labels License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 12:39
File Size: 19.5 kb
A Record Labels page with Ajax enhanced areas including featured and top releases.

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MediaPro Gallery

MediaPro Gallery License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/15/12 12:31
File Size: 19 kb
An Ajax enhanced gallery system for MediaPro, featuring multiple thumbnail index page leading to a gallery image focus page with comments and cart/rating functions.

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ProJam2 Sponsors

ProJam2 Sponsors License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 14:47
File Size: 24.5 kb
The ProJam2 Sponsors Page Set features an Ajax gallery of sponsors "advertisers" with various recall functions new, highest rated, most friends etc..

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ProJam2 Rappers

ProJam2 Rappers License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 14:05
File Size: 32.6 kb
The Rappers page set for ProJam2 includes an Ajax front end with numerous listings of Rappers from your choice of quota including newest, most played, highest rated, most fans etc..

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ProJam2 Models

ProJam2 Models License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 14:01
File Size: 26.7 kb
The ProJam2 Models Page Set features an Ajax gallery of models with various recall functions “new, highest rated, most friends etc.” including a dedicated model viewing page with rating, additional model info and user comments.

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ProJam2 DJs

ProJam2 DJs License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 14:01
File Size: 31 kb
The DJs page set for ProJam2 includes an Ajax front end with numerous listings of DJs from your choice of quota including newest, most played, highest rated, most fans etc..

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ProJam2 Producers

ProJam2 Producers License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.1   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 14:00
File Size: 33 kb
The Producers page set for ProJam2 includes an Ajax front end with numerous listings of Producers from your choice of quota including newest, most played, highest rated, most fans etc..

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ProJam2 MP3 Store

ProJam2 MP3 Store License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.2   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 13:59
File Size: 66.7 kb
The Ajax enhanced MP3 Shop is a large modification for ProJam2 with a single page layout including eCommerce cart functionality for MP3 sales and downloads. Due to the Ajax implementation the user is never taken away from the main page which ensures a more advanced and easier browsing/buying experience.

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MediaPro MP3 Store

MediaPro MP3 Store License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 13:53
File Size: 79.2 kb
The Ajax Enhanced MP3 Store is a large modification for MediaPro with a single page layout including eCommerce cart functionality for MP3 sales and downloads. Due to the Ajax implementation the user is never taken away from the main page which ensures an advanced browsing experience.

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MediaPro DJs

MediaPro DJs License Required
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0   (minimum Jamroom version: 4.2)
Updated: 07/02/12 13:05
File Size: 23.6 kb
The DJs Page creates a new page in your MediaPro template which displays users from a DJs “artists” quota.

< Click for More Info


Shout-Box Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 05/15/09 19:42
File Size: 6.2 kb
A simple shout box for the Version 4 Flashback Forum. Setup instructions included.

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is required to download

Jamroom Bridges
Jamroom - Joomla 1.5 bridge
Jamroom - Joomla 1.5 bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 07/16/08 21:21
File Size: 11.9 kb
This is the Jamroom -> Joomla 1.5 Bridge. This Bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory for it to be seen by Jamroom. Make sure and edit the bridge file so the proper database and Joomla information is in the header. Note that this bridge ONLY WORKS with Joomla 1.5.x - it will not work with Joomla 1.0.x.

An account
is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom - Drupal Bridge
Jamroom - Drupal Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 07/16/08 15:27
File Size: 8.7 kb
This is the Jamroom -> Drupal Bridge

An account
is required to download
Requires Jamroom License: Jamroom Core

Jamroom - Joomla Bridge
Jamroom - Joomla Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 07/15/08 11:44
File Size: 11.6 kb
This is the Jamroom -> Joomla Bridge. This Bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory for it to be seen by Jamroom.

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is required to download

Jamroom - phpFoX Bridge
Jamroom - phpFoX Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 04/27/08 19:42
File Size: 12.3 kb
This is the Jamroom -> phpFoX Bridge. This bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory for it to be seen by Jamroom. You will also need to place the proper phpFoX database information in the header of the file.

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is required to download

Jamroom - Xoops Bridge
Jamroom - Xoops Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 04/24/08 18:18
File Size: 8.9 kb
This is the Jamroom -> Xoops Bridge. This bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory for it to be seen by Jamroom. You will also need to place the proper Xoops database information in the header of the file.

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is required to download

Jamroom - phpBB2 Bridge
Jamroom - phpBB2 Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 03/20/08 19:04
File Size: 18 kb
This is the Jamroom - phpBB2 Bridge. This Bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory for it to be seen by Jamroom.

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is required to download

Jamroom - PHPBB3 Bridge
Jamroom - PHPBB3 Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 01/31/08 18:02
File Size: 13.1 kb
This is an updated version of the PHPBB3 Bridge Tested to work with Jamroom 3.2.4 and the phpBB3 first release. There may still be issues for those using an upgraded forum from phpbb2-phpbb3, so please post any issues you have in the Jamroom User Support forum. Thanks!

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Jamroom - vBulletin3 Bridge
Jamroom - vBulletin3 Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 10/19/07 17:27
File Size: 15 kb
This is the Jamroom -> vBulletin3 Bridge. This bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory for it to be seen by Jamroom.

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is required to download

Jamroom - vBulletin2 Bridge
Jamroom - vBulletin2 Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 10/19/07 17:26
File Size: 9.2 kb
This is the Jamroom -> vBulletin2 Bridge. This bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory for it to be seen by Jamroom.

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is required to download

Jamroom - PHP Nuke Bridge
Jamroom - PHP Nuke Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 10/19/07 17:26
File Size: 11.8 kb
This is the Jamroom -> PHP Nuke Bridge. This bridge file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory to be seen by Jamroom.

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is required to download

Jamroom - phpList Bridge
Jamroom - phpList Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 10/19/07 17:06
File Size: 11.9 kb
This is the Jamroom -> phpList Bridge. This file must be placed in your jamroom/include/plugins/jrBridges directory to be seen by Jamroom.

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is required to download

Jamroom - SMF Bridge
Jamroom - SMF Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 10/19/07 17:03
File Size: 8.7 kb
This is the Jamroom - SMF (Simple Machines Forum) Bridge. Tested with SMF 1.1.3.

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is required to download

Jamroom - Pligg Bridge
Jamroom - Pligg Bridge Free!
Provider: The Jamroom Network
Version: 1.0.0
Updated: 10/19/07 16:56
File Size: 9.3 kb
Jamroom - Pligg Bridge

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is required to download

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